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Special Needs/Autism

The Special Kids Network

A free, statewide service for families with children who have special needs. They will connect parents with resources and support services in their communities, including: advocacy; home health; legal rights; support groups; summer camps; therapies; medical equipment; MA questions; private schools and more
Phone number 800-986-4550
TTY 1-877-232-7640

The Access Center

Its mission is to improve educational outcomes for elementary and middle school students with disabilities. It builds the capacity of TA systems, States, districts, and schools, to help students with disabilities learn from the general education curriculum.
1000 Thomas Jefferson St., NW
Washington, DC 20007
(202) 403-5000

Special Education Resources on the Internet (SERI)

A collection of Internet resources for those involved in the fields related to special education.

Social Security Department – Supplemental Security Income

A child might be eligible for 3 types of Social security benefits-
Social Security Dependents Benefits (SSDI)- for children of disabled or deceased parents.

Supplemental Security Income (SSI)- benefits are payable to children under 18 years old who have disabilities (an impairment that is as severe as one that would keep an adult from doing any ‘substantial work for at least one year’, i.e. a disability that limits the child’s ability to do things and behave in the way that children of similar age group do.), and limited resources.

Medical Assistance- government funded health program (Medical Assistance and Medicaid are the same thing)-automatic for patients with severe impairments regardless of parental income. – 800-772-1213

Parent to Parent of Pennsylvania

Links families and friends of children with special needs, provides technical assistance, training
Phone number 888-727-2706

Parent Education Network

Offers parents information about federal and state laws and regulations regarding early intervention and special education for children with special needs- 800-522-5827

National Down Syndrome Society

They serve as a national advocate for the value, acceptance and inclusion of people with Down Syndrome
Phone number 800-221-4602

National Center for Learning Disabilities

National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD): NCLD works to ensure that the nation’s 15 million children, adolescenct and adults with learning disabilited have every opportunity to succeed in school, work and life.
National Center for Learning Disabilities, 381 Park Avenue South, Suite 1401, New York, NY 10016,
Ph: 212.545.7510 ,
Fax: 212.545.9665,
Toll-free: 888.575.7373

Maternity Care Coalition Breastfeeding Site

Provides resources for breastfeeding women and their families.

Genetics Home Reference

Website developed by the National Institue for Health to educate parents about the ways genetic variations affect health. It is packed with reliable, up-to-date, understandable information about basic genetics and genetic disease.
Genetics Home Reference

Families for Early Autism Treatment

FEAT is a non-profit organization of parents, educators, and other professionals dedicated to providing Education, Advocacy and Support for the Northern California Autism Community

Consulting Behavior Analyst Christina Burkaba

My goal as a consulting behavior analyst is to improve my students’ lives as much as I can through teaching them how to communicate, to succeed in academics, and to engage in and enjoy social interactions with family, friends, and others in their environment.

CONNECT Information Service

Information and referral services to parents of children with disabilities who are less then 5 years old- 800-692-7288

Children’s Speech Care Center

Our clinic is dedicated to providing children (and adults) with the best, customized care and support possible concerning every aspect of Speech and Language pathology.
Phone Number is 310-856-8528

CHADD (Children and Adults with ADD)

It is a membership organization which provides bi-monthly magazine and sponsors an annual conference. For more information about Attention-deficeit/Hyperactive Disorder, please call 800-233-4050

Carbone Clinic – ABA services for autism

Carbone Clinic
They have been providing quality applied behavior analysis (ABA) services to persons with autism and related disabilities for many years. Since 2003, they expanded their service through a center-based clinic program in Rockland County, NY.

Autism Society of America

Information for parents of children with autism. Topics include health, education and safety. Search for local events and resources.


Autism Section of the Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies!

In this Section, you will find scientifically validated information about the causes of autism, and the Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) approach to treating it. The content of this Section is carefully refereed by an Advisory Board comprising the leaders in ABA and Autism.

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)

Welcome to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)
ASHA is the professional, scientific, and credentialing association for more than 140,000 members and affiliates who are audiologists, speech-language pathologists, and speech, language, and hearing scientists in the United States and internationally.

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