Click the links below to access information on Warming Centers and other important resources for winter weather.
Scroll down for free & low-cost events and training opportunities for the professionals supporting our patients and families, including; social workers and mental health professionals, healthcare providers and clinical staff, educators, administrators, and community organizers. Click on the links for event and registration details.
Do you have feedback or professional opportunities to share with CAP4Kids? Contact Us!
Affordable, family-friendly fun here in Columbus, Ohio! Click on the links for event details, registration may be required. Scroll down for more!
More Fun & Free Resources from CAP4Kids!
Free or low-cost parenting classes, job help, new community resources, and more! Click the links for event & registration details.
Some great resources from CHADD, On Our Sleeves, CDC & Healthy Parents
Diagnosing ADHD in Children: Guidelines & Information for Parents
Online community resource guide to help community members living and working in the Franklinton (43223, 43215, and 43222) area. Resources are divided into 10 categories: emergency services, health & social services, food, housing, education, business & workforce, faith, youth & family, recreation & arts, and government services.
(614) 636-3644
This school-based program teaches children how to be advocates for peace through a variety of activities that are fun and engaging. Visit for contact information.