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NYC Healthy Neighborhoods Program

NYC_HealthNYC Department of Health “Healthy Neighborhoods” Program

COVID-19 Update: Stay Healthy While Staying Home. New Yorkers are spending more time at home during the COVID-19 outbreak. If you have asthma, be aware of asthma triggers (PDF) in your home and how to avoid them.
The Healthy Neighborhoods Program is not inspecting homes at this time, but it is accepting referrals from health care providers through the Citywide Immunization Registry and by fax (PDF). We will schedule appointments when inspections resume. More info here.

The NYC Healthy Neighborhoods Program (HNP) can help children and adults with asthma by identifying asthma triggers in their home and finding ways to avoid them. HNP provides free home assessments to children and adults diagnosed with persistent asthma by a health care provider. If the HNP staff find environmental asthma triggers or other home health hazards, the program will work with building owners to correct the problems.
To get a home assessment a health care provider should have referred you to HNP.
You can print out this Asthma Referral Form (PDF) and give it to your health care provider during your next visit. More information here.


El Programa de Vecinos Saludables (HNP por sus siglas en inglés) ayuda a niños y adultos con asma identificando desecandenantes en el hogar y la manera de evitarlos. El programa ofrece evaluaciones gratis a personas diagnosticadas con asma persistente por el doctor.
Para obtener una evaluación del hogar, el doctor debe haberlo remitido al programa HNP.
Imprima esta hoja de remisión y entréguela a su doctor en su próxima visita médica.