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Careers/Job Training

Working NYC
WorkingNYC is New York City’s front door to programs that help you prepare for and find a job. Through this easy-to-use tool, you can find the services that are right for you, figure out if you’re eligible, and learn about the next steps.
All New Yorkers (young adults and up)
Find: Help finding a job, Training for a new job, Internships and short-term work, High School Equivalency (HSE or GED) prep, Improving English skills, Adult reading, writing, and math, and Job Recruiters.
How to Apply
To select your programs of interest, go to the top right section of the page
Updated on June 2, 2021

First Step Job Training Program for Homeless or Low-income Women

coalition-homeless-logoFirst Step Job Training Program by the Coalition of the Homeless
(212) 776-2074
The Coalition’s First Step Job Training Program was launched in 1991 to give homeless and low-income women the training, social support, education, and work experience they need to overcome those obstacles, empowering them to build a better life for themselves and their families.
First Step offers six 14-week classes serving roughly 200 women per year. Their innovative curriculum includes over 100 hours of computer instruction, along with literacy workshops, communication, and interpersonal skills development, and other hands-on activities that give students a thorough and practical understanding of the job market and workplace.
First Step also places students in internships with major corporations or non-profit organizations and offers ongoing mentoring by experienced professionals.
For questions about the First Step or if you would like to sign up for an Informational Session, please call (212) 776-2074.

Career Discovery NYC

Discovery NYC is a website where New Yorkers can explore careers in demand, learn about the skills required for those, determine a career of interest, and apply for training programs.
All New Yorkers 18 years old and up
–Explore careers in technology, healthcare, industrial and construction, and media & entertainment
–Take introductory courses to help you decide if a specific career is a good fit for you
–Spend more time practicing what you’ve learned to gain comfort and familiarity with those skills
–Apply to training programs that can lead you to a new career
How to Apply
–To identify job offers and prepare for interviews, visit the Virtual Workforce Career Center website
–Select your borough and visit the website’s online form. A member of the Workforce team will connect with you and provide support services
For resources about free or low-cost WiFi, access

**Career Discovery is part of the NYC Department of Small Business Services**

FDNYC Job Openings
(718) 999-3369 |
— 21 years-old people and up
— U.S. citizens
— New York City or Long Island residents
Find the latest job postings in the New York City Fire Department.
How to Apply
The New York City Fire Department is an equal opportunity employer committed to full compliance with federal, state, and local laws prohibiting employment discrimination.
Employment decisions in City government will be made on the basis of merit, fitness, and equality of opportunity and without unlawful discrimination on the basis of Age, Marital Status, Alienage/Citizenship Status, Military Status, Color, National Origin, Creed, Partnership Status, Disability, Prior Record of Arrest or Conviction, Gender, Race, Gender Identity, Religion, Genetic Predisposition, Sexual Orientation, Victim of Domestic Violence, Sex Offense or Stalking.

Encuentra las últimas ofertas de trabajo en el Departamento de Bomberos de la ciudad de Nueva York. Contacta al centro de contratación llamando al (718) 999-3369 de lunes a viernes desde las 9 am hasta las 5pm o envía un mensaje al
El Departamento de Bomberos de la Ciudad de Nueva York es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades y está comprometido con el pleno cumplimiento de las leyes federales, estatales y locales que prohíben la discriminación laboral.
Las decisiones de empleo en el gobierno de la ciudad se tomarán sobre la base del mérito, la aptitud y la igualdad de oportunidades y sin discriminación ilegal por motivos de edad, estado civil, condición de extranjero / ciudadanía, estado militar, color, origen nacional, credo, estado de sociedad , Discapacidad, antecedentes de arresto o condena, género, raza, identidad de género, religión, predisposición genética, orientación sexual, víctima de violencia doméstica, delito sexual o acoso


Nontraditional Employment for Women


Nontraditional Employment for Women
243 W 20th St, New York, NY 10011
(646) 291-2375
Nontraditional Employment for Women (NEW) prepares, trains, and places women in careers in the skilled construction, utility, and maintenance trades, helping women achieve economic independence and a secure future for themselves and their families. At the same time, NEW provides a pipeline of qualified workers to the industries that build, move, power, green, and maintain New York.
NEW’s core programming is offered on both day and evening schedules.
NEW Programs are Blue Collar Prep, New at Night, and Boot Camp.Find their curriculum here.
To be eligible to NEW’s training program you must be 18 year old or older, be eligible to work in the United States, have a high school diploma or equivalency, and be interested in a hands-on training to enter a career in the construction field.


Empleos No Tradicionales para Mujeres (NEW por sus siglas en inglés) prepara, entrena y ubica a mujeres en oficios de construcción y mantenimiento del sector de servicios públicos. NEW ayuda a mujeres a alcanzar independencia económica y un futuro seguro para ellas y sus familias. Los entrenamientos ocurren en horarios diurnos y nocturnos.
Para calificar a los programas de NEW: debes tener 18 años o más, contar con un permiso para trabajar en los Estados Unidos, tener un diploma de secundaria o un equivalente, y estar interesada en uno de los programas con prácticas para ejercer en el campo de construcción. Previamente a la matrícula deberás atender a una sesión informativa. Encuentra horarios y sitio de registro aquí.


Programs and Schools by Borough

kisspng-higher-education-jenzabar-university-continuing-ed-chin-training-institutions-5ad919db093701.1040108515241773710378Learn about classes on basic literacy and numeracy, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), high school diploma equivalency, enrichment and college, and career readiness from low cost to no cost in all of the 5 boroughs.
Adult Education handout.
Spanish Adult Education handout.

Encuentra una lista de clases disponibles acerca de lectura básica en inglés, matemáticas, clases de inglés, equivalencia de diploma de secundaria, enriquecimiento educativo, y preparación para la universidad en los 5 condados aquí.


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