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Employment opportunities

FDNYC Job Openings
(718) 999-3369 |
— 21 years-old people and up
— U.S. citizens
— New York City or Long Island residents
Find the latest job postings in the New York City Fire Department.
How to Apply
The New York City Fire Department is an equal opportunity employer committed to full compliance with federal, state, and local laws prohibiting employment discrimination.
Employment decisions in City government will be made on the basis of merit, fitness, and equality of opportunity and without unlawful discrimination on the basis of Age, Marital Status, Alienage/Citizenship Status, Military Status, Color, National Origin, Creed, Partnership Status, Disability, Prior Record of Arrest or Conviction, Gender, Race, Gender Identity, Religion, Genetic Predisposition, Sexual Orientation, Victim of Domestic Violence, Sex Offense or Stalking.

Encuentra las últimas ofertas de trabajo en el Departamento de Bomberos de la ciudad de Nueva York. Contacta al centro de contratación llamando al (718) 999-3369 de lunes a viernes desde las 9 am hasta las 5pm o envía un mensaje al
El Departamento de Bomberos de la Ciudad de Nueva York es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades y está comprometido con el pleno cumplimiento de las leyes federales, estatales y locales que prohíben la discriminación laboral.
Las decisiones de empleo en el gobierno de la ciudad se tomarán sobre la base del mérito, la aptitud y la igualdad de oportunidades y sin discriminación ilegal por motivos de edad, estado civil, condición de extranjero / ciudadanía, estado militar, color, origen nacional, credo, estado de sociedad , Discapacidad, antecedentes de arresto o condena, género, raza, identidad de género, religión, predisposición genética, orientación sexual, víctima de violencia doméstica, delito sexual o acoso


NYC Health Job Search

nyc_health_logoJob Search Website
The NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene has openings. Click here to find them and apply.

PAL Employment

pal_logo-removebg-previewEmployment opportunities at the Police Athletic League, Inc
800-PAL-4KIDS (800-725-4543)
The Police Athletic League is seeking people who are talented, creative, and passionate to help create a more inclusive city and better futures for our youth. You will use your skills and experience to earn opportunities to grow and develop and do it all in a culture that values collaboration, initiative, and results.
Click here to find and apply for employment opportunities

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