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Office of Dispute Resolution ODR) for IEPs

ConsultLine is a toll-free information help line for parents and advocates of children with disabilities including learning issues who have questions or concerns about the education of a school-aged child. You can call the ConsultLine by calling 800-879-2301 or 717-901-2146, or you can request that the ConsultLine call you by filling out an online request form at
If you don’t agree with your child’s IEP contact the Office for Dispute Resolution who can set up the mediation and due process request for all of Pennsylvania, and provides training and services regarding other ways to settle disagreements for students who have Individualized Education Programs (IEPs).  Office for Dispute Resolution (ODR) Voice: 800-222-3353 TTY Users: PA Relay 711 Email: Fax: 717-657-5983 Website: