OOD partners with Ohio colleges and universities to ensure students with disabilities have the support they need to complete degrees, attain credentials and earn higher wages. C2C counselors are located in the disability services or career services office at each partnership school to help students with exploring careers, writing a resume, finding employment and prepping for interviews. This program is specifically for individuals with physical, intellectual, sensory, and mental health disabilities. Go online to find a list of participating colleges and universities. Financial support for tuition or educational expenses is available as well. Visit the OODWorks website and log-on to the portal to take a short self-assessment and start the application process.
150 East Campus View Boulevard, Columbus, OH 43235
(800) 282-4536
College2Careers Program: ood.ohio.gov/information-for-individuals/services/student-services/ohio-college-2-careers
OOD Works: oodworks.com