349 E 149th St #405 The Bronx, NY 10451
(718) 577-2794
Start a referral as a provider (get passcode by contacting Patrick Ma at
COVID-19 update: AIR-nyc is providing virtual asthma education to all referred families. The agency is operating 100% remote and is not doing any home visits or IPM at this time.
AIRnyc is a non-profit organization that helps families stay healthy, active, and out of the hospital through better self-management. Community Health Workers visit families at home to help children and adults with asthma stay healthy and out of the hospital. They speak English, Spanish, French, Susu, and Mandingo. Ask your doctor for a referral to AIRnyc. Home visits appointments are available from Mondays to Saturdays!
AIR-nyc handout.
Spanish AIR-nyc handout.
AIRnyc es una organización que ayuda a las familias para que se mantengan saludables, activas, y fuera del hospital a través de un mejor autocuidado. Trabajadores de Salud Comunitarios visitan las familias en sus hogares para brindar educacion en asma y materiales. Hablan inglés, español, francés, susu y mandingo. Encuentre más información en esta hoja informational o llama al (718) 577-2794.