Provides income-based case management services, emergency assistance services, financial services, computer literacy and workforce development programs. Most of the programs are for Franklin County residents living at or below 125% of the Federal Poverty Level. Visit the website or call for more information.
- Emergency Assistance Services: Financial assistance for household items, car repairs, burial support, rent/mortgage, transportation, water and energy (HEAP) assistance, food giveaways during the summer.
- Empowerment Services: Computer classes, financial services, re-entry program, ages 14-24 not enrolled in school and are not employed or are aging out of foster care (AMP: Achieve More & Prosper program), workforce development/employment, vocational training and certification, and Smart Tax Prep.
- Energy Assistance Services: Free home repairs through their Home Weatherization Assistance Program (HWAP) and energy efficient lighting and refrigerator/freezer replacement through their AEP Program
Southside: 711 Southwood Ave, Columbus, Ohio 43207
Westside: 4129 West Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43228
- General: (614) 252-2799
- AMP (Achieve More & Prosper): (614) 233-2671
- EMPOWERED Career Exploration: (614) 371-1245
- Home Energy Winter Crisis Program (HEAP): (614) 249-0019
AMP website: