Network of Seattle Public schools designed to help teens and young people in recovery from substance use disorder
Outpatient behavioral health services, trauma support, and mental health to children and youth in King, Pierce, and surrounding counties
Find a location near you:
Materials available in Spanish
Mental health counseling services for behavioral health and child and youth development in Seattle by appointment
Material available in over 40 languages
Resources related to mental health and substance use disorder treatment for those living in Pierce County
Resources related to mental health and substance abuse treatment for those living in Snohomish County
Materials available in multiple languages
Year-round mentoring and addiction prevention programs, including a weekend camp, for youth ages 9-17 affected by a family member with a substance use disorder
Behavioral health counseling and substance use treatment for those living in Snohomish County
Find a location near you:
Materials available in multiple languages
Free mental health referral service to identify mental health providers for children and teens 17 and younger living in Washington State, based on their needs, location, and insurance plan.
Submit an online form here:
Or call tel: 833-303-5437 for assistance in English or call tel: 1-866-583-1527 for interpreter assistance, once the interpreter is on the line ask them to call the program directly tel: 833-303-5437
24-hour hotline for individuals and families dealing with substance use
Material available in multiple languages
24-hour national hotline for thoughts of suicide, mental health crises, substance use concerns, and any other kind of emotional distress
Call or text 988
Prior numbers will remain active
1-800-273-8255 (1-800-273-TALK); For Spanish tel:1-888-628-9454
Resources for finding a mental health therapist
Special needs services, developmental screenings, financial assistance, and other free or reduced cost help for families who prefer to access resources by telephone and/or via interpreters
call: 1-800-322-2588 (The Help Me Grow Washington Hotline)
Materials available in multiple languages