CBH defines open access as a psychiatric evaluation, medication management for new or established members, or an initial appointment with a therapist. If you are enrolled in Medicaid, you are likely a member of CBH. Go to https://cbhphilly.org/members/provider-directory/mhop-open-access/ and search for site closest to you (your client) and call or call 888-545-2600
24 hours a day 7 days a week, PLEASE talk to someone if you are in a crisis. Just dial # 988 can call or text
For a behavioral health emergency for a child, call the Philadelphia Crisis Response Line at 215-685-6440 or go to The Philadelphia Children’s Crisis Response Center 3300 Henry Avenue, Falls Center 2, Suite 3N, Philadelphia, PA 19129. Phone: 866-375-5892
Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week https://www.philachildrenscrc.com/
Click here for flyer
or go to the 24/7 walk-in CHOP Behavioral Health and Crisis Center 501 S. 54th St., Philadelphia, PA 19143, 5-17 year olds. https://www.chop.edu/locations/behavioral-health-and-crisis-center or call 445-428-5800
Helping Philadelphians make the best decisions for their sexual health. FREE resources including: PrEP and TelePrEP, Emergency PEP, HIV and STI testing, FREE sexual wellness products (condoms and more), Syphilis Testing/Treatment/info- Call 215-985-2437, Free online CHAT and website info here https://phillykeeponloving.com/
Helps with college preparation and awareness to students in low-income communities. Starts in 6th or 7th grade and goes through high school- 215-400-4130 or email collegeandcareer@philasd.org
School District of Philadelphia’s Office provides resources and guidance to Philadelphia’s students to persue their dreams. Provides resources on college preparation and career development- 440 N Broad Street, 2nd Floor, Portal A- call 215-400-4200.
The Young Scholars Program is a selective pre-college scholarship for high-performing 7th grade students with financial need. The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation offers further scholarship programs for undergraduate and community college students. Call 571-799-8064, email scholarships@jkcf.org, or visit https://www.jkcf.org/our-scholarships/young-scholars-program/ for more info.
The Ellis Trust provides financial assistance for school needs, extracurricular programs, summer camps and/or high school tuition for high-achieving girls in grades 9-12 who reside in Philadelphia. Eligible girls are from single parent families who meet federal reduced lunch income eligibility guidelines. Call 215-790-1666, ext 442 with questions.
Philadelphia Futures prepares students from low-income families to enter and succeed in college by providing mentoring, academic enrichment, college guidance and financial incentives. Also publishes Step Up to College, a guide to the college and financial aid application processes that is distributed to all high school students; the Guide also is available free of charge on request.- 230 S. Broad St, 7th Fl-215-790-1666
From Philadelphia Futures. All the info you need to prepare for, choose and pay for college. Click below for info
Various locations throughout the city for motivated lower income students to help them achieve their goals of college graduation.
Only 3 in 10 high school students in Philly go on to college. Only 1 in 3 of those students end up earning a degree. Various universities/colleges work with students at select high schools Click on the one that manages your high school. Must apply in 9th or early 10th grade and be the first generation to finish college.
University of Pennsylvania (Overbrook, Parkway West, Sayre, West Philly)- https://vpse.upenn.edu/upward-bound/
CCP Trio Upward Bound (Benjamin Franklin, Building 21, Furness, South Philadelphia)- 215-751-8840
Temple University (Any Philadelphia public or charter school. Priority given to Benjamin Franklin, Murrell Dobbins, Simon Gratz, Strawberry Mansion, The U School)- 215-204-3636
Harcum College (John Bartram, William Sayre, and Samuel Fels)
The University of Pennsylvania’s College of General Studies offers a special opportunity for academically exceptional local junior and senior high school students to take college courses with Penn students and earn full college credit-call 215-746-2309.
We work with 9th through 12th grade students attending one of PEF’s partner schools. Not just the highest achieving students, but all who apply. If you are considering becoming a student at one of these schools, contact us to learn more about completing a College Access Program application. (Frankford High School, Horace Furness High School, John Bartram High School, Kensington High School for Creative & Performing Arts, Olney Charter High School, Roxborough High School) 215-665-1400
Great info on steps necessary to get into college from 9th grade to adulthood. Call 215-655-1400 or email phillygoes2college@philaedfund.org for more info or go to site below.
Great website for preparing for college from middle school on.
For graduating seniors or first year college students from lower income families. 30 scholarships a year to help defray costs. Click www.herbie.com/hif-scholarship for info.
Offers up to $2,000 for graduating high school seniors to help pay first year college expenses. Call 267-764-9880 or go to website to start application
Questbridge helps connect the brighest low-income students to America’s best universities and opportunities. Check out their website for info. questions@questbridge.org or (650) 331-3280 www.questbridge.org/
Click links below for more info:
Group working to end “period poverty” by supplying FREE period products to those in need. https://www.nomoresecretsmbs.org/
Gateway to College at Community College of Philadelphia is a scholarship program for School District of Philadelphia students, ages of 16-21, who have dropped out of school but have a desire to get back on track and earn a high school diploma and college credits. Call 215-751-8246 or go online for an application.
A one-stop resource to help students meet their academic, financial aid, and career planning needs- 1-800-692-7392
PYN helps Teens connect with jobs and job training especially during summer months. 12- 24 years old. 400 Market St.
Suite 200 Call 267-502-3800 or 267-502-3742 and ask for listing of jobs/internships or go to https://www.pyninc.org/workready-summer
For more info on PYN click here www.pyninc.org Click here for pdf with application info
Career Connected Learning PHL (C2L-PHL) gives Philadelphia youth ages 12–24 work-based learning experiences and career awareness. 833-750-5627 or email C2LPHL@phila.gov Program activities include:
Multiple jobs for teens and young adults 14 and up. 215-683-3683 or email parksandrecreation@phila.gov Click here www.phila.gov/programs/parks-rec-summer-youth-employment-program/ and also Philadelphia Parks & Recreation hires dozens of lifeguards for the summer. Parks & Rec hires lifeguards year-round for our indoor pools. They provide training!-
The School District of Philadelphia, many public charter schools, private schools, and dozens of summer youth programs (including summer camps, sports camps, child care programs, and more) are looking for full-day and partial-day summer staff who can teach and/or work with children. Organizations need teachers, coaches, group leaders and operations staff. Most jobs pay $15/hour or more. Click here for details https://teachphl.org/find-a-job-2024/
Youth Outreach Adolescent Community Awareness Program, a project of the Urban Affairs Coalition, has several trade options like Carpentry, Finishing Trades Institute (FTI), Plumbing & Electrical that will help males and females gain entry into the building trade. 16-24 year olds with HS Diploma of graduating in the Spring. Call 215-851-1800 or 215-851-0110 today to enroll.
Volunteer program for teens 14-and up at the Philadelphia Zoo. To learn more click https://philadelphiazoo.org/volunteer-at-the-zoo/
The Junior Music Executive Program is an entertainment industry based initiative created to encourage high school students to go to school, graduate, and be successful by exposing them to careers in the music business.
Teens 4 Good, a program of the Federation of Neighborhood Centers, is a youth entrepreneurial produce and nutrition business that transforms vacant lots into urban gardens/farms, improving access to healthy food for communities, creating meaningful jobs for at-risk youth and empowering youth to become healthy responsible young adults and leaders who give back to their communities. Call 215-486-4409 for info.
Match your interests with volunteer activities in your neighborhood. Go to website below.
Do something is a teen/young adult website where people learn, listen, speak, vote, volunteer, ask, and take action to make the world a better place. Dozens of volunteer, fundraising, and important national and international issues are featured on this site. Sign up and DO SOMETHING!
Join HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH from across they city to lift up your communities and change the world! buildOn City Wide members do intensive COMMUNITY SERVICE locally and globally. You get to make a positive difference while making friends, learning about global issues, and helping your community. Call for 508-395-9703 or go to website. www.buildon.org –
Job training for EMT, Pharm Tech, Home Health Aide, Medical Assistant, Culinary Arts, facility Maintenance. Free program for 16-24 year olds. No diploma needed. Help with GED as well. Call 800-733-5627 or visit website at philadelphia.jobcorps.gov
Info on sexually transmitted infections, how to protect yourself and FREE CONDOMS!! throughout the city or mailed to you. Great website below that also has a resource guide that lists resources in Philly that helps teens be safe and successful.
Order FREE test kits for home as well as condoms. Also find testing and treatment site near you here https://phillykeeponloving.com/hiv-testing/
The Council’s mission is to ensure access to high quality, comprehensive, reproductive and related health and prevention services, including info on abortions, to primarily low-income individuals and families. Free clinics throughout the city. Call (215) 985-2600 for info or text “AskItMatters” to 66746 http://accessmatters.org
You can find information on financial assistance and tips for choosing a provider here abortionfunds.org/how-do-i-find-the-clinic-thats-right-for-me/
This program will help you find verified abortion providers nationwide. You can also text “Hello” to 435-3-FINDER or “Hola” to 218-3-BUSCAR. Go to www.abortionfinder.org for info and support.
Great website for all questions that have to do with young women’s health and sexuality. youngwomenshealth.org
Teen and Young Adult Center
The Teen and Young Adult Center, located at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children, aims to equip ALL teens and young adults with the tools to make well-informed decisions regarding their sexual and reproductive health by providing comprehensive and confidential reproductive health services for adolescents ages 13-21. Insurance is not needed to receive these services and most services are provided FREE of charge or for a reduced fee. 160 E Erie Ave., Philadelphia, PA. Nelson Pavilion, 2nd floor. 215-427-3802
CHOP Karabots Pediatric Care Center
Free and confidential family planning services available to patients ages 13-25. Services include: Pregnancy testing and options counseling, Contraception, including emergency contraception, Screening and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, Sexual health education. 4865 Market St., Philadelphia, PA. 267-425-9800
Great website that compares birth control methods and where to get free contraception. Go to bedsider.org
The mission of Planned Parenthood is to protect and enhance reproductive freedom and to increase access to reproductive health care. Provides birth control; prenatal care; STD screens; and sexual health education- 1144 Locust Street- 215-351-5500 other locations, click https://www.plannedparenthood.org/health-center
Philadelphia FIGHT Community Health Centers provide culturally competent comprehensive primary care, and state of the art HIV primary care to low-income members of the community, along with research, consumer education, advocacy, social services and outreach to people living with HIV and those who are at high risk, including family members, communities with high rates of HIV, formerly incarcerated persons, and young people at risk; and access to the most advanced clinical research in HIV treatment and prevention. . Call (215) 985-4448 for info or visit their website for location at fight.org
Non-profit, community based social service organization which provides professional, individualized care to people with HIV/AIDs in Philadelphia- 1216 Arch Street, 6 th Floor 215-981-0088
Provides info on AIDs/HIV and STDs, family planning- 215-985-AIDS
Bebashi a full-service HIV/AIDS case management agency with a special interest in serving low-income people of color with HIV disease. They also have support groups for teens. 1235 Spring Garden Street Philadelphia, PA 19123– 215-769-3561.
A national resource for teens to improve sexual health and education. Great handouts/videos/social media.
A one stop shopping resource center to help students reenroll in diploma or GED programs. Call 215-400-6700 or visit the center at 440 North Broad Street Suite 1013 9am-3pm M-F appointment request link here
Listing of Options
Temple’s Employment Connections for Opportunity Youth program serves students who are between 17 to 21 years old and who have aged or are currently aging out of foster care. Young adults who have dropped out of school, are current seniors in high school, or graduated with their diploma or GED are eligible for this program. Sponsored in part by Philadelphia Works, Inc., the Employment Connections for Opportunity Youth program provides a comprehensive approach to college and career connectedness, including opportunities to explore career options and exposure to career or college pathways. Call 215-204-7913, email ecoy@temple.edu, or visit community.temple.edu/employment-connections-opportunity-youth for more info.
Intensive Prevention Services is an early intervention program for children and adolescents ages 10-17 years old who demonstrate high risk behaviors or at risk behaviors. This site based program provides after school programming, community service opportunities, mentoring, recreational activities, work preparation programs, social and emotional skills building, and family therapy.Address: 2700 N. 17th Street, Suite 200 Lehigh Pavilion Philadelphia, PA 19132
Phone number: 215-940-0550. https://www.paan1989.org/
Call Cease Fire to stop violence from happening (215) 806-8493 or marladb@temple.edu. Go to www.philaceasefire.com to learn more. 1700 N.Broad Street
Click here if you have been affected by gun violence or are looking for resources for violence prevention and healing www.uptheblock.org/en/
The PHILLY TRUCE APP puts Philadelphians with knowledge of potentially violent conflicts in direct contact 24/7 with trained mediators. 1-267-458-7823. Confidential help form click here. Click here to download www.phillytruce.com
Uplift Center for Grieving Children offers free therapeutic grief groups led by Master’s-level clinicians who provide trauma-responsive and healing-centered support. Groups allow youth and families to express their grief through non-judgmental discussions, creative activities,
grounding techniques, and other forms of therapeutic support. All grief services are free for youth, grades K-12th, and their caregivers, regardless of immigration status, and do not require insurance. All sign-ups are through Uplift’s Philly HopeLine, a help line that offers grief support and community resources by Uplift clinicians. 1-833-PHL-HOPE (1-833-745-4673). www.upliftphilly.org. Click here for brochure.
Provides a wide range of services to gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender youth in Philadelphia- 255 S. 16 th Street- 215-545-4331
● Provides quality comprehensive health and wellness services in an LGBTQ-focused environment Free medical care offered for individuals aged 14-24 years old. No appointment or insurance required.
● HIV testing and counseling offered, along with risk reduction tips, health education, and information on our safe school programs.
● Other services include: food, tokens, hyigene kits, assistance with benefit applications and housing, mental health, education and vocation referrals
● Legal, dental and vocational referrals also available. For more information call 215-563-0652 x 323
Provides Legal advice to LGBTQ youth Phone: 267-546-9200
Seeks to engage and support the diverse LGBTQIA+ communities in the greater Philadelphia area through arts & culture, empowerment, and community connections. https://www.waygay.org/ 1315 Spruce Street. 215-732-2220 Peer Counselor Phone Number available 6pm-9pm Mon-Fri: 267-416-0451 or email info@waygay.org
The Pride Program provides gender affirming care, including hormone blocker and therapies. They also offer a full scope of obstetric and gynecologic care, surgical services, hormone therapy, outpatient mental healthcare, and patient navigator support. To make an appointment, please text or call 215-420-0989. Location is at Einstein Medical Center 5501 Old York Road. https://www.jeffersonhealth.org/clinical-specialties/lgbtq-health/pride-program
The Trevor Project is a 24/7 national phone, texting, and messaging hotline providing crisis intervention and suicide preventions services for LGBTQ youth. For help, call 866-488-7386, text ‘START’ to 678-678, or message a counsellor on www.thetrevorproject.org. The Trevor Project hosts TrevorSpace, a free international community for LGBTQ young people ages 13–24 available on their website.
Mission: Impact, improve, and empower the lives of LGBTQ+ communities of color, especially those of the African diaspora, within the greater Philadelphia metropolitan area. 1211 Chestnut Street, Suite 910 215-832-0100
Serves the Latinx community, but now also provides services for all Queer, Trans, Indigenous, and People of Color (QTBIPOC) communities .118 Fontain Street Philadelphia, PA 19122 . 215-398-5003 . https://www.galaeiqtbipoc.org/
GLSEN works with educators, policy makers, community leaders and students on the
urgent need to address anti-LGBTQA behavior and bias in schools. (212) 727-0135 Ext. 6565 Email: info@glsen.org www.glsen.org/
PFLAG is the first and largest organization dedicated to supporting, educating, and advocating for LGBTQ+ people and their families. Email pflagphilly@gmail.com or Click here for more info https://pflag.org/chapter/philadelphia/
My Kid Is Gay is a first-of-its-kind digital presence, inclusive of videos, advice, and resources, dedicated exclusively toward helping parents understand their Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, and Asexual children. Click here for info http://mykidisgay.com/
Connects LGBTQ community with Health Insurance and other health related resources.
The Main Line Youth Alliance (MYA) provides gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender questioning youth and straight allies, with social educational and supportive activities in a confidential, respectful and safe environment. MYA programs, unique in the Philadelphia’s western suburbs, encourages healthy relationships with peers, family and community. MYA meets every Friday evening from 7:00pm-9:30 pm at the Central Baptist Church in Wayne. myayouthgroup@gmail.com
PFP offers family-centered social events, support groups, parenting workshops, educational forums, information and resource referrals, and advocacy on behalf of LGBTQ families in the Greater Philadelphia region. info@phillyfamilypride.org
Youth Care Team provides a confidential, judgment-free, safe space (virtual or in-person) for adolescents between 13-21 years of age focused on mental, sexual, and reproductive wellness. Resources include brief counseling, depression and anxiety screening, comprehensive education, free condoms with additional safer sex supplies, period products, referrals for additional support, and more. https://www.phillylovesfamilies.com/youth-care-team
Click to refer: https://redcap.phila.gov/surveys/?s=HT4E37NMAN
Call for info: (267) 324-6081
Instagram: @YouthCareTeamphl
An initiative that provides parenting resources on how to improve communication with your children, about more difficult topics specifically for teens. The website also provides tips and resources for teens to explore difficult issues and seek out guidance. https://parentandteen.com/
Click here to begin!! https://www.planetfitness.com/summerpass Applies to teens ages 14-19 through August 31st
Summer camps, employment and educational opportunities for Philly’s youth from K-12th grade.
Amazing, comprehensive resource guide for Teens and Young Adults from CLS and PLA. Resources in this guide include: child care and early learning, domestic violence, drop-in centers, drug and alcohol treatment, education/career, family planning/reproductive health, food resources, general health services, housing/shelter, legal services, mental health services, parenting education, teen parent resources, other resources. Click here for guide and go to clsphila.org/youth-justice/youth-justice-resources-2/for info and amazing fact sheets.
Search for info on colleges, how to pay for college, and how to prepare. Go to website below.
FREE virtual summer emersion program. Offers a 2 and 6 week program for 9-12 graders for computer science skills they need to make an impact in their community while preparing for a career in tech. Participants will get exposure to tech jobs, meet women in tech careers, and join a supportive sisterhood of girls in tech.girlswhocode.com/programs/summer-immersion-program
or info@girlswhocode.com
24-hour hotline- 215-686-4420
Loveisrespect is an organization that provides 24/7 telephone, online, and texting hotlines to support teens and young adults in abusive relationships or settings in addition to educational materials on healthy relationships and abuse. Information is also available for abusive partners. Call the hotline at 1.866.331.9474, text “loveis” to 22522, or chat and/or locate resources at www.loveisrespect.org
Info on helping teens quit smoking.
Covenant House Pennsylvania operates a 51-bed Crisis Center that provides emergency shelter and a host of support services through our Open Intake Policy. Any youth under the age of 21 in need of a place to stay is admitted, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 31 East Armat Street-call 215-951-5411
Crisis Text Line serves young people in any type of crisis, providing them access to free, 24/7, emotional support and information they need via the medium they already use and trust: text. Just text “HOME” to 741-741
Info also at crisistextline.org
Click on this link to help you reduce stress in your life. A resource from the American Academy of Pediatrics.
TeenHealthFX.com is your online resource for any and all questions regarding your health, your relationships, your body and your sexuality
YES’ year-round open entry program combines enticing media and art activities with proven counseling models, accelerated high school programs, GED preparatory classes and job-readiness training. Call 215.769.0340 for info.
An inclusive, trauma-informed, gender affirming approach to healthcare for adolescents and young adults (ages 13-26), providing access to comprehensive primary care, sexual and reproductive health services, integrated behavioral health, PrEP, and other relevant social services. Our mission is to improve health outcomes and expand healthcare access, regardless of insurance status or ability to pay. 1207 Chestnut Street, 5th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19107 IG: @yhephealthcenter
215-344-1632 Fax: 215-309-1131 yhep@fight.org https://fight.org/programs/y-hep-health-center/
Mentoring program for youth in foster care 10-21 years old. Call 215-574-9194 info@valleyyouthhouse.org or go to website www.valleyyouthhouse.org/get-involved/mentoring for more info. 1415 North Broad Street, Suite 100, Philadelphia, PA 19122
Through the United Way, Girls, Inc. is dedicated to addressing the unique needs of girls through advocacy education and direct services including one to one mentoring relationships. Offers after school programs, family strengthening programs, SCOH services, and mentoring- 1901 S. 9th St. Suite 602 Philadelphia, PA 19148– 215-735-7775
Free educational videos to help understand your school work.
Youth programs at PhilyCAM offer an open creativity studio that provides access to media equipment and other tools that help Philly youth to explore various forms of film/video. Through participation in our programs youth will make and share media that challenges commercial norms while promoting creative expression, critical thinking skills, and community participation. 699 Ranstead St. Suite 1. 267-639-5481. @phillycamyouth. We welcome students ages 12-18 to find out more go to phillycam.org
Click here for ways to help center yourself and reduce stress. Great FREE site also https://insighttimer.com/