YVRP is a hands-on, anti-violence collaboration in which Youth Workers are assigned to high-risk youth to protect them from becoming perpetrators or victims of violence. AVRP addresses the needs of these youth.
Call 215-940-0550 NOW for more information or to refer a youth in need.
Victim Services by Area of City
Philadelphia Office of Victim Advocates (800-563-6399)
Philadelphia Office of Victim Advocates- https://www.ova.pa.gov/County-Crime-Victims/Pages/Philadelphia.aspx
Center City – Center City Crime Victim Services- call 215-763-3280
East Division (North Philly) Crime Victim Advocates (Congreso)- www.congreso.net– 267-968-1813
North Central Victim Services- 215-763-3280 www.cdvservices.org
NorthEast Victim Services- www.nevs.org– 215.332.3888
NorthWest Victim Services- www.northwestvictimservices.org– 215-438-4410
South Philadelphia- www.vwssp.org– 215-551-3360
West/South West Philadelphia- AVP- www.avpphila.org– 267-217-3754
Great info for families who have experienced trauma or loss. www.nctsn.org/audiences/families-and-caregivers
Call Cease Fire to stop violence from happening (215) 806-8493 or marladb@temple.edu. Go to www.philaceasefire.com to learn more. 1700 N.Broad Street