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Foster/Kinship Care Programs

Kinship Care Resource Guide

Click here for guide and here in Spanish

DHS Education Support Center (ESC)

– Works with the School District to prevent disruptions to a child’s education when they are placed in DHS care
–  ESC liaisons can help with academic problems, attendance/truancy, transportation to/from school, support for children with special education needs. Call (215) 683-4001 or

Anyone can make the referral, but permission to evaluate must come from the education decision maker (biological parent, another EDM, etc., not the foster/resource parent). If there are delays in psycho-educational testing after the permission to evaluate has happened, it can be helpful to contact ELC § ELC Education Rights Helpline: 215-238-6970,

-ESC Cognito Referral Form


Kinship Connector

 PA KinConnector provides guidance, advice, and support for grandparents raising grandchildren and other relative and non-relative Kinship Caregivers. Call 1-866-546-2111 or

Fostering Philadelphia

Very useful site for foster parents or parents who want to foster in Philadelphia. For foster parent by foster parents. Go to

Achieving Independence Center (age 14+)

The Achieving Independence Center exists to provide a safe communal space where youth in dependent care can be connected, educated, and empowered as they strive toward attaining and maintaining independence. The AIC is dedicated to providing support and real life tools for youth who want to make an investment in their future. Youth work with AIC Coaches to create a customized service plan that will help them to achieve their goals related to: completing high school/GED, enrolling in college/vocational school, computer literacy, employment/career planning, housing, permanency and personal development.
215-574-9194 –


Sesame Street Foster Care Initiative

Several resources for Foster Care families from Sesame Street. Click here

Rooted Kinections

Camp To Belong River Valley reunites siblings separated by foster care and other out-of-home placements.

Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Greater Philadelphia

Provides help with evaluations, testing, adoption and foster care info- 1-866-532-7669

Pennsylvania Family Support Alliance

A Family Strengthening Program that offers various parent support groups, foster parent support groups, support groups for grandparents, incarcerated parents, parents with children in placement. While in meetings children participate in various children’s programs in the same location- Also helps parents who have had a complaint issued against them through DHS know their rights and obligations they have- 800-448-4906

Fostering Hope Clothing Bags

Duffle bags with clothing for children entering foster care. and Philly chapter

Grands as Parents, Inc

Assists and supports grandparents and  non-parents raising their kids. Services mostly NorthCentral Philly. Call 215-236-5848 for info 2234 Woodstock St.  Email:  or


Turning Points for Children

Offers 12 week parenting and support programs for: Teens; Adult Parents and Caregivers. Also has Families and Schools Together Program (FAST) and Personalized Support Services (Pre-ARS). Call 215-875-8200 for info.

DHS Parenting Collaborative

The DHS Parenting Collaborative Referral connects parents to parenting education programs. We accept referrals from providers, DHS, and parents. If needed, some parenting agencies provide, tokens, transportation, meals, and childcare. Please call 215-825-8259  

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