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Physical Health Resources

CAPP (Community Asthma Prevention Program)

Offers free asthma classes (5 sessions with free asthma products at each session) and home asthma interventions for more severe asthmatics- targets West and North Philadelphia residents- 3535 Market Street Suite 1018 – 215-590-5261.

Managing Asthma Sesame Street Resource

Amazing resource to help families understand and control their child’s asthma. Check it out!

Asthma Trigger Reduction Program from Rebuilding Philadelphia

Please click here for more info on free home repairs for individuals with asthma  or call (215) 965-0777

Healthy Weight Program of CHOP

The Healthy Weight Clinic is a clinic for children ages 2 – 18 who are overweight or obese. Our goal is to provide a complete assessment of obesity-related illnesses; help organize care with medical specialists; and provide weight management using a family-based approach. Call 267-426-2782 for info.

Healthy Kids and Teens weight Mgt Program at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children

The St. Christopher’s Healthy Kids and Teens Weight Program offers a comprehensive, multidisciplinary, and community-based approach to helping children and adolescents struggling with weight issues and medical problems related to excess weight. Call 215-427-4886 for info/appointment.

Choose my plate healthy lifestyle site

Go to for several resources for healthy living

Healthy Weight Tool Kits

Tool Kits to keep families healthy. From the Healthy Weight program at CHOP. See link below.

Food Fit Philly

Food Fit Philly is the Nutrition and Physical Activity website for the Philadelphia Department of Public Health – Division of Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention (CDIP). Our activities promote food justice, water equity, and active living.

PreScribe Outside

Research shows that spending time in nature is good for your health – mind, body, and spirit. All around the world, doctors have begun prescribing time in nature to help patients lead healthier, happier lives. Prescribe Outside, Philadelphia’s nature prescription program, is a partnership between Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), Awbury Arboretum, Let’s Go Outdoors, and the US Forest Service. The goal of the program is to provide physicians and families with tools to improve the health and wellness of Philadelphia children by helping them locate and use safe, accessible, and convenient public green space and discover the benefits of time spent in nature.   Contact us at

We Can!

A national resource for parents and kids to help children 8-13 years old stay at a healthy weight. Go to link below.

Health Partners/YMCA Partnership/Weight Watchers

Free YMCA membership and other fitness centers for HP members under 18 years old. See attached or search for participating centers here
Click here for info


FREE Planet Fitness for Teens in the Summer

Click here to begin!! Applies to teens ages 14-19 through August 31st 

YMCA FREE 7th Grade Gym Memberships

Registration for our 7th Grade Initiative program is easy. Students simply need to bring proof of 7th Grade status (a roster or report card), along with a parent or guardian to any of our locations. Click here for info

Keystone First Gym Memberships

Keystone First members 12 years and older may join one of many participating community gyms. You pay $25.00 for your first 18 visits within 90 days. Then, Keystone First pays the rest of your annual membership. for info.


American Academy of Pediatrics Healthy Weight Site

Great site from the AAP for families, providers, and the community. Click here for resources

Police Athletic League (PAL)

The mission of PAL is to offer young people a viable and constructive alternative to the ‘street life’. They serve over 28,000 children in Phila. with programs ranging from a summer baseball program, chess, golf, soccer, wrestling and a Positive Image program for girls 11-17 year old, which helps, build self esteem- 215-291-9000. here are locations at 23rd, 24th, 26th, Cozen, Fairhill, Ford, Grays Ferry, Haddington, Harrowgate, North Penn, Paley, Southwest, Strawberry Mansion, Tacony, and Wynnefield

Every Kid Sports Pass

Youth sports grant that offers up to $150 to cover youth recreational sports registration fees ages 4-18. Child must be enrolled in Medicaid, SNAP, or WIC. See website for the application form and more criteria/information.

Philly Youth Basketball (PYB)

PYB is an innovative community-based organization that uses basketball for health promotion, educational success, and mentoring for children, teens, and young adults. PYB has dozens of free and low-cost programs to help young people of all ages. For info on specific programs and registration, visit
PYB has just opened the Alan Horwitz “Sixth Man” Center, (, a large building with 7 basketball courts, education classrooms, healthy foods cafeteria, and much more in Nicetown. It will be like a second home for many kids and help the community for many years. 4250 Wissahickon Avenue. Click here for list of programs

Philadelphia City Rowing

Teaches rowing to local public school students free of charge. #1 Boathouse Row, Kelly Drive. Go online for application or email

Rock Reach

RockReach offers in-school and low cost after-school dance programs for kids in grades K-12 at 8+ Philadelphia schools. Call 215-551-7010 or email Learn more and see if the program is at your child’s school

Ed Snider Youth Hockey

The Ed Snider Youth Hockey Foundation’s mission is to have a profoundly positive impact on the lives of underserved children in the Greater Philadelphia Region by providing a program that incorporates both on-ice and off-ice activities. The program is provided, at no cost, to both boys and girls. The Foundation provides the equipment, ice time and experienced coaching. 100 W. Oxford Street. Call 215-952-5271 or email

Work to Ride

Work to Ride provides disadvantaged urban youth with constructive activities centered around horsemanship, equine sports, and education. Located in Fairmount Park, the setting provides a unique opportunity to bring 7-to 19-year-old youth in contact with animals and nature. 98 Chamounix Drive, 215-877-4419 or email

Zhang Sah Martial Arts

Zhang Sah is a non-profit organization that provides character, cultural, physical and academic development through martial arts training into its After-School, Pre-Kindergarten, Teen Lounge, Winter, Spring, and Summer Camp Programs.
main location: 530 Bainbridge St. (215) 923-6676 or email Other locations Queen Village/South Philly, Mt Airy/Germantown, Wynnefield/Belmont, , Casarez Elementary, Pennypacker School, Nebinger Elementary School, Cayuga Elementary School, Robert Pollock Elementary School, John B Kelly, Horatio B Hackett, Willard Elementary

Legacy Youth Tennis and Education (formerly Arthur Ashe)

Founded in 1952 their mission is to prepare young people, especially those from under-resourced families and communities, for success as individuals and as active, responsible citizens through innovative tennis, education, life skills, and leadership development programming. Main office is 4842 Ridge Ave. Call 215-487-3477 or check their website for listing of programs.



Combines the sport of Squash with Academic Tutoring and Mentoring of under-served, urban youth in order to develop self-esteem and discipline through academic, athletic and personal achievement. Students in Grades 5-12 attending any Philadelphia Public school are eligible to join SquashSmarts. 215-221-6860 3890 N 10th Street Email:

Students Run Philly Style

Teams up Philly youth with adult mentors to train for marathons and develop ways to be successful in life. 1819 JFK Boulevard, Suite #480 call 267-930-3546 or Email –

Girls on the Run

Running based program to inspire all girls to build their confidence, kindness, and decision making skills in a program ending with a celebratory 5k. For girls in 3rd-5th grade at 35+ elementary schools and other locations in the Philadelphia area. Financial assistance available. Call 215-247-8598 or email

Starfinder Soccer Program

Starfinder’s mission is to create inspirational learning environments where children starting at 6-12 years old, are encouraged through soccer to develop strong moral character, strive for academic excellence and live with a positive attitude, regardless of their socio-economic status. Starfinder has affordable summer camps and after school programs, as well as several youth development programs- 4015 Main Street- Call 215-764-5410 for more info.

Kensington Soccer Club (KSC)

Offers many different soccer programs at various locations in Philadelphia that are either free or “Pay-What-You-Can” to make soccer accessible to everyone. KSC even provides free equipment to all players before programs start. Call 267-536-2717, email, or visit to learn more and start playing soccer!

Quit Line

Pennsylvania’s Free Quitline, 1-877-724-1090, is offered as a partnership between the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the American Cancer Society. Based on state-of-the art techniques in smoking cessation, the service provides counseling and structured assistance for individuals who are committed to quitting.

Quit Smoking Resources

Fax Referral for Providers

Text-To-Quit Smoking Cessation

Ready to quit smoking? Try text-to-quit.
Text “Quit” to 47848
lso, many other options at

CDC Quit Line

Call now and get info and click here
1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669)
In Spanish:  1-855-DÉJELO-YA (1-855-335-3569)
In Asian languages:
Mandarin and Cantonese: 1-800-838-8917
Korean: 1-800-556-5564
Vietnamese: 1-800-778-8440

My Life My Quit

Free custom help for teens to quit smoking/vaping.

Smokefree Teen

Info on helping teens quit smoking.
Click here for QuitStart free app to help teen quit-


Healthy Children Tobacco Info

Great site for info on all tobacco exposures including e-cigarets, JUULs and more.

Philly Keep On Loving

Helping Philadelphians make the best decisions for their sexual health. FREE resources including: PrEP and TelePrEP, Emergency PEP, HIV and STI testing, FREE sexual wellness products (condoms and more), Syphilis Testing/Treatment/info- Call 215-985-2437, Free online CHAT and website info here

Access Matters Information Hotline

The  mission is to ensure access to high quality, comprehensive, reproductive and related health and prevention services to primarily low-income individuals and families. Free clinics throughout the city. Call (215) 985-2600 for info or text “AskItMatters” to 66746

Philly Keep on Testing FREE HIV and STI Test Kits and FREE Condoms

Order FREE test kits for home as well as condoms. Also find testing and treatment site near you here

Planned Parenthood of SE PA

The mission of Planned Parenthood is to protect and enhance reproductive freedom and to increase access to reproductive health care. Provides birth control; prenatal care; STD screens; and sexual health education- 1144 Locust Street- 215-351-5500 other locations, click

Take Control Philly

Info on sexually transmitted infections, how to protect yourself and FREE CONDOMS!! throughout the city or mailed to you. Great website below that also has a resource guide that lists resources in Philly that helps teens be safe and successful.


Great website that compares birth control methods and where to get free contraception. Go to

Need to Know text information from CHOICE

To find a clinic for free birth control, STD testing, and counseling on sexual health information,  just text askchoice to 66746. It’s that easy.

Philadelphia FIGHT

Philadelphia FIGHT Community Health Centers provide culturally competent comprehensive primary care, and state of the art HIV primary care to low-income members of the community, along with research, consumer education, advocacy, social services and outreach to people living with HIV and those who are at high risk, including family members, communities with high rates of HIV, formerly incarcerated persons, and young people at risk; and access to the most advanced clinical research in HIV treatment and prevention. . Call (215) 985-4448 for info or visit their website for location at

Action Wellness

Non-profit, community based social service organization which provides professional, individualized care to people with HIV/AIDs in Philadelphia- 1216 Arch Street, 6 th Floor 215-981-0088

AIDS Hotline

Provides info on AIDs/HIV and STDs, family planning- 215-985-AIDS

Sex, Etc.

A national resource for teens to improve sexual health and education. Great handouts/videos/social media.

Ronald McDonald Care Mobile Dental Program

No cost, quality dental care for your child 1-13 years old. Eligible if have no dental insurance or Medicaid insured. Call 215-427-8877 for more information. Click for appt

Smiles Change Lives- Braces

Low cost braces for lower income families. Click for info.

Philadelphia County Dental Society

Assists Philadelphia residents by answering questions about dental care and providing referrals to dentists in caller?s area- 215-925-6050

PA Dental Association

Get info on dental care, finding a free or low cost dentist , and more.

Financial Aid For Eye Care

Click link for various financial aid programs for glasses and vision care

Healthy Babies Philly- FREE Vaccine

Click here to find our more about childhood vaccines and where to get them.

Vaccines on the Go

Great website and mobile app to get accurate, timely information on childhood vaccines. Click here for info.

Lead and Healthy Homes Program (LHHP)

  • Providing information, referral, and training to promote healthy homes and prevent lead poisoning.
  • Working with families, homeowners, and landlords to reduce lead hazards in homes.
  • Providing home inspection and remediation to eligible families.
  • Enforcing lead laws and regulations in collaboration with the Philadelphia Law Department
    Call 215-685-2788 for info

Poison Control Center

The mission of the center is to reduce the number of accidents, severity of injuries, the number of deaths, and the healthcare costs associated with poison exposures- 800-222-1222

Sickle Cell Disease Association

Provides non-medical supportive services, resources, and assistance to persons affected by Sickle Cell Disease and Trait- 5070 Parkside Ave, Suite 1404- 215-471-8686

Food Allergy Network

Great resource for families that are affected by food allergies. Call 800-929-4040 or visit their website.

Allergy and Asthma Network Mother’s of Asthmatics

Great resources for families with allergies and asthma.

Roots2Rise Yoga/Meditation

Provides access to yoga and mindfullness in various locations for $5 or less.

Meditation and Breathing Information

Click here for ways to help center yourself and reduce stress. Great FREE site also

FREE Meditation/Mindfulness Apps- Try these out!!

All Ages (Parents, Teens and Children) Helps one better cope with emotions and stress, and improve sleep
For younger children

                 Breathe Think Do iphone or Android


Wellness Apps:
  • Downdog (Yoga Buddhi Co.) (FREE YOGA)
  • Yoga Studio (Gaiam, INC. (FREE YOGA)
  • MindShift CBT – Anxiety Relief
    • MindShift CBT is a free self-help anxiety relief app, that helps you reduce worry, stress, and panic by following evidence-based strategies. Using CBT tools, you can challenge negativity, learn more about anxiety, develop more effective ways of thinking, be mindful, and relax.
  • Headspace: Guided Meditation and Mindfulness (FREE)


Sesame Street- Helping kids with Traumatic Experiences

Dozens of activities from birth to 7 years old to help young children cope with traumatic stressors in their lives. Check it out!

Breathe, Think, Do with Sesame Street

This is a resource app for you to share with your child to help teach skills such as problem solving, self-control, planning, and task persistence.
iphone or Android

Low Cost Community Yoga and Meditation Classes/Resources

Community Yoga Studios that offer weekly classes for less than $10.00: For more information about class times and how to prepare for class, call the studio or check out their schedule posted on their website!

Amrita Yoga and Wellness: 1204 Frankford Ave 215-600-7544:
Studio 34: 4522 Baltimore Ave 215.387.3434;

Community Meditation classes:

1.Amrita Yoga and Wellness: ($5) 1204 Frankford Ave (267)

Wellness Apps:

1.Downdog (Yoga Buddhi Co.) (FREE YOGA)

2.Yoga Studio (Gaiam, INC. (FREE YOGA)

3.Headspace: Guided Meditation and Mindfulness (FREE)

Websites: (FREE) yoga


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