An initiative that provides parenting resources on how to improve communication with your children, about more difficult topics specifically for teens. The website also provides tips and resources for teens to explore difficult issues and seek out guidance. https://parentandteen.com/
Youth Care Team provides a confidential, judgment-free, safe space (virtual or in-person) for adolescents between 13-21 years of age focused on mental, sexual, and reproductive wellness. Resources include brief counseling, depression and anxiety screening, comprehensive education, free condoms with additional safer sex supplies, period products, referrals for additional support, and more. https://www.phillylovesfamilies.com/youth-care-team
Click to refer: https://redcap.phila.gov/surveys/?s=HT4E37NMAN
Call for info: (267) 324-6081
Instagram: @YouthCareTeamphl
Click on this link to help you reduce stress in your life. A resource from the American Academy of Pediatrics.
TeenHealthFX.com is your online resource for any and all questions regarding your health, your relationships, your body and your sexuality
Amazing, comprehensive resource guide for Teens and Young Adults from CLS and PLA. Resources in this guide include: child care and early learning, domestic violence, drop-in centers, drug and alcohol treatment, education/career, family planning/reproductive health, food resources, general health services, housing/shelter, legal services, mental health services, parenting education, teen parent resources, other resources. Click here for guide and go to clsphila.org/youth-justice/youth-justice-resources-2/for info and amazing fact sheets.
Click here to begin!! https://www.planetfitness.com/summerpass Applies to teens ages 14-19 through August 31st
The Junior Music Executive Program is an entertainment industry based initiative created to encourage high school students to go to school, graduate, and be successful by exposing them to careers in the music business.
FREE virtual summer emersion program. Offers a 2 and 6 week program for 9-12 graders for computer science skills they need to make an impact in their community while preparing for a career in tech. Participants will get exposure to tech jobs, meet women in tech careers, and join a supportive sisterhood of girls in tech.girlswhocode.com/programs/summer-immersion-program
or info@girlswhocode.com
Youth programs at PhilyCAM offer an open creativity studio that provides access to media equipment and other tools that help Philly youth to explore various forms of film/video. Through participation in our programs youth will make and share media that challenges commercial norms while promoting creative expression, critical thinking skills, and community participation. 699 Ranstead St. Suite 1. 267-639-5481. @phillycamyouth. We welcome students ages 12-18 to find out more go to phillycam.org
Uplift Center for Grieving Children offers free therapeutic grief groups led by Master’s-level clinicians who provide trauma-responsive and healing-centered support. Groups allow youth and families to express their grief through non-judgmental discussions, creative activities,
grounding techniques, and other forms of therapeutic support. All grief services are free for youth, grades K-12th, and their caregivers, regardless of immigration status, and do not require insurance. All sign-ups are through Uplift’s Philly HopeLine, a help line that offers grief support and community resources by Uplift clinicians. 1-833-PHL-HOPE (1-833-745-4673). www.upliftphilly.org. Click here for brochure.
Crisis Text Line serves young people in any type of crisis, providing them access to free, 24/7, emotional support and information they need via the medium they already use and trust: text. Just text “HOME” to 741-741
Info also at crisistextline.org
Mentoring program for youth in foster care 10-21 years old. Call 215-574-9194 info@valleyyouthhouse.org or go to website www.valleyyouthhouse.org/get-involved/mentoring for more info. 1415 North Broad Street, Suite 100, Philadelphia, PA 19122
24-hour hotline- 215-686-4420
Loveisrespect is an organization that provides 24/7 telephone, online, and texting hotlines to support teens and young adults in abusive relationships or settings in addition to educational materials on healthy relationships and abuse. Information is also available for abusive partners. Call the hotline at 1.866.331.9474, text “loveis” to 22522, or chat and/or locate resources at www.loveisrespect.org
Info on helping teens quit smoking.
Covenant House Pennsylvania operates a 51-bed Crisis Center that provides emergency shelter and a host of support services through our Open Intake Policy. Any youth under the age of 21 in need of a place to stay is admitted, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 31 East Armat Street-call 215-951-5411