Has your child been diagnosed with ADHD or is simply struggling in school and you would like to request an evaluation for a 504 plan for accommodations but aren’t sure how to get started? Check out the links below for information on what the 504 process is, who qualifies for it, how to request an evaluation, and what to expect during the evaluation, and lots more!
Has your child received a diagnosis such as Autism, Down Syndrome, or even severe ADHD and you are concerned they are struggling in school but not sure how to help? They may qualify for an Individualized Education Plan or IEP. Check out the links below for the process for requesting an evaluation for an IEP, the process schools to follow for evaluation, and what you as a parent should expect and need to provide.
Has your child previously been evaluated but still struggling? You can also request a Re-Evaluation at any time. Check out the following sample letter below.
Confused about the difference between an IEP versus a 504 plan? Does your child need one or both? Which should you request from the school? Check out the link below for helpful information that explains what an IEP (or Individualized Education Plan) and a 504 plan are and details regarding both, including how to start the process for your child.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act – passed Congress in 1975 to ensure all children with disabilities in the U.S. receive free and appropriate public education (FAPE)- Birth to 3 years old is under Part C of IDEA Act. From third birthday to 1st grade is under Part B:Section 619 of IDEA.
LD Online in conjunction with the National Education Association seeks to help children and adults reach their full potential by providing accurate information and advice about learning disabilities. LD OnLine provides educators and families with accurate, authoritative information about learning disabilities so they can obtain the help and support they need
LDA’s mission is to create opportunities for success for all individuals affected by learning disabilities through support, education, and advocacy.
LDA provides support to people with learning disabilities, their parents, teachers and other professionals with cutting edge information on learning disabilities, practical solutions, and a comprehensive network of resources.
The National Center For Learning Disabilities is an advocacy program that has scholarships/awards as well as resources for young adults (e.g. leadership opportunities, research, etc.) with learning disabilities. NCLD hopes to empower young adults with learning and attention issues through initiatives, including an online community, leadership opportunities, and research.