Columbus OH
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Finding a Job

Alpha Group

Provides vocational training for individuals with a variety of disabilities. Services include soft skills development, assistance with all stages of the job application process, and direct skills training on the worksite. They offer an Integrated Adult Day program, Supportive Living Services, and Transportation Services. Services vary by location.

  • Delaware: 1000 Alpha Drive, Delaware, Ohio 43015
  • Westerville: 200 Hoff Road, Suite F, Westerville, Ohio 43082
  • Dublin: 4333 Tuller Road, Dublin, Ohio 43017
  • Mansfield: P.O. Box 3831, Mansfield, Ohio 44907

Main Office: (740) 368-5810
Transportation: (740) 564-2502

Boost – Nationwide Children’s Hospital (NCH) Free Work Readiness Program

Free workforce readiness training and career coaching for Columbus residents ages 18 and older. Classes are offered monthly and cover skills like resume writing and interviewing to help boost your career. The class prepares participants to interview for full-time employment at Nationwide Children’s Hospital or employer partner with wages starting at $18/hour. The class is available at two locations:

  • Linden Community Center: 1350 Briarwood Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43211
  • Residences at Career Gateway: 747 East Whittier Street, Columbus, Ohio 43206

(614) 722-2750

Center for Groveport Madison Human Needs (CGMHN)

Connects individuals and families in the Groveport Madison school district with community resources and aid. Services include summer lunches, school supply distribution, job referral assistance, and adopt-a-family programs. They also offer emergency cash assistance for housing, utilities, car repair, or medical needs.
PO Box 542, Groveport, Ohio 43125
(614) 586-4017


CleanTurn provides affordable and professional home cleaning services, construction services, and commercial cleaning services. They are a  Fair Chance, “second chance” employer, and offer stable employment for individuals who have experienced incarceration, addiction, homelessness, or human trafficking. Their employment program includes career advancement training, coaching and interactive classes to reach personal and professional goals, comprehensive benefits package, and on-site counseling. Go to their website to request a quote for services or complete their online job application.
1059 Cable Avenue, Suite A, Columbus, Ohio 43222
(614) 447-0528

Columbus Public Health (CPH) Pride Centers & Neighborhood Social Workers

Pride Centers are one-stop shops for city services, dedicated to protecting the health, safety and welfare of families living in the area. These centers house basic city services in one place, which include the Neighborhood Social Workers. Call first to make an appointment.

Main Columbus Public Health Neighborhood Social Work Helpline: (614) 645-6807
Columbus Department of Neighborhoods Office: (614) 645-1993

Westside Neighborhood Pride Center
1186 West Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43222
(614) 724-2033
The Reeb Center
280 Reed Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43207
(614) 468-9280
Near East Pride Center
1393 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43205
(614) 645-7343
North Neighborhood Pride Center
248 East Eleventh Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43201
(614) 645-5220
Far East Pride Center
2500 Park Crescent Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43232
(614) 724-0100

Columbus Public Health (CPH) Resource Lists

These neighborhood resource lists are extremely helpful in finding resources near you. They provide detailed listings of free and low cost health care, vision care, dental care, prescription help, food pantries, transportation, job help, transportation, pregnancy resources and much more. They are updated frequently and reviewed by the Columbus Public Health social work team. Please note that CPH does not provide direct monetary assistance, but these lists are helpful in finding community agencies that do provide this assistance.

240 Parsons Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43215
Questions About Health & Community Resources: (614) 645-1244
Columbus Public Health Neighborhood Social Work Helpline: (614) 645-6807

Columbus Urban League (CUL)

A community‐based organization that works to empower Black and urban communities through economic, educational and social progress with programs, classes and services. Their many programs include:

  • Career Services: Provides comprehensive support for job seekers, including workforce readiness training for ages 14-19 and individual coaching for all ages.
  • Re-Entry HUB: Reentry support and workforce development for individuals with prior justice system involvement.
  • Minority Business Assistance Center: Empowering small and minority businesses through access to capital, technical and professional assistance. These services are available in 18 Ohio counties.
    (614) 266-0897
  • I Am My Brother’s Keeper: Mentorship program for young men of color in middle and high school throughout the school year and summer. The program offers safe and healthy ways to have fun while building career, artistic, academic, professional, and physical strengths. Participants may be placed with internships, hands-on learning experiences, drug, alcohol and violence prevention activities depending on their individual needs. Participants must be ages 9-15 whose families meet income eligibility. Call for enrollment.
  • Homebuyer Education: Educates families on how to budget, save, and improve credit to qualify for home loans.
  • Housing Accelerator: Eligible participants receive financial assistance for housing deposit, financial coaching to increase credit scores, and increased access to job opportunities.
  • My Brother’s Closet: Provides a free suit and professional coaching for income-eligible men. Call to make an appointment.
  • STEP: An 8-week intervention program for families with children 11-17 years old on the cusp of entering the justice system.
  • Young Engineer’s Society: Afterschool and summer STEAM program for ages 10-14
    3443 Agler Road, Columbus, Ohio 43219
    (380) 239-1474
  • Find all programs by category here:

788 Mount Vernon Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43203
(614) 257-6300

Columbus Works

Provides free workforce training and job placement assistance. Each participant has an individual coach who guides them to reach their financial goals through full-time employment with great area employers. Services include clothing for work, free medical, dental, and vision care, and resources for legal assistance.

  • 775 West Broad Street, Suite 270, Columbus, Ohio 43222
  • 747 East Whittier Street, Columbus, Ohio 43206
  • 877 East Eleventh Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43211
  • 303 East Sixth Avenue, Room #8, Columbus, Ohio 432015

(614) 585-8346

Franklin County Department of Job & Family Services (JFS)

Provides financial, medical, and social service programs in Franklin County. Programs include cash assistance (Ohio Works First, LEAP), help paying for child care, food assistance (Ohio Direction Card/SNAP/EBT, WIC), medical assistance (Medicaid, Healthy Start), and Ohio Means Jobs assistance for job seekers. Emergency Assistance (PRC) funds may be requested for a maximum of $2,000 to use towards overdue rent and utility bills, car repairs; or damages as a result of a natural disaster, housefire, or flood. Visit the website to view specific eligibility requirements for each program, and to start your application. People outside of Franklin County should visit their local county Department of Job and Family Services.

  • East Opportunity Center: 1055 Mount Vernon Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43203
  • Northland Opportunity Center: 1721 Northland Park Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43229
  • West Opportunity Center: 314 North Wilson Road, Columbus, Ohio 43204

(614) 233-2000
Customer Access Center: (844) 640-6446
Medicaid Transportation: (614) 233-2381
Ohio Medicaid Consumer Hotline: (800) 324-8680
Workforce Development: (614) 212-1800
Ohio Direction EBT Card Assistance: (866) 386-3071
Find Your Local ODJFS Office:
Self-Service Ohio Benefits Portal (Apply Here):
Main Website:

Franklinton Rising

Trains young at-risk adults, typically ages 17-25 years old, for productive careers in the building trades. Training includes an introduction to the building trades, life-skills, and on-the-job training in rebuilding properties under the mentoring of partner contractors. Trainees get help obtaining full-time employment, then can rent and later purchase houses at below market rates.
4653 Trueman Boulevard, Suite 100, Hillard, Ohio 43206
(614) 581-4125

Freedom a la Cart

Café and catering kitchen providing empowering survivors of sex trafficking in Central Ohio. Anyone can go online to view their Café Menu, place a Catering order, or purchase a gift card. Their programs include a 2 -year comprehensive workforce development program, CATCH Court Support for victims involved in the justice system, and affordable housing. The Butterfly Program is a peer-to-peer program for women healing from trauma and substance use disorder to work towards a GED or high school diploma, participate in counseling, receive assistance with paperwork, get record expungement, and other supports. They also offer community events, speaking engagements, and volunteer opportunities.
123 East Spring Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215
(614) 992-3252

Godman Guild

Offers a variety of free work readiness programs. Adult programs include GED preparation, ESL/ESOL, Career Bridges customer service training, and technology classes. Youth programs include after school homework help, mentoring, and career exploration for grades 9-12. Blue Bow Tie offers professional catering services while providing job opportunities to individuals with barriers to employment. Camp Mary Orton offers summer camp experiences for youth ages 6-14, team building retreats, and venue spaces with proceeds supporting Godman Guild programs.
195 North Grant Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43215
(614) 294-5476

Goodwill Columbus

Goodwill Stores sell thrift clothing, furniture, art, and more to support their job training programs. Programs include Roads2Work commercial driver training, STNA and medical coding, technology classes, AMP for young adults 18-24 years old, CompTIA IT program, and 1:1 career coaching. They also provide person-centered, employment-focused services for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) including Adult Day and Residential services, mental health support, and a Columbus art studio.
671 South High Street, Columbus, Ohio 43206
Main Office: (614) 294-5181
Career Coaching: (614) 966-9283

Honest Jobs

The nation’s largest fair-chance employment website, empowering justice-impacted individuals. Anyone with a criminal record can create a free account to search for and apply for jobs in your area. The website helps match you with employers and job postings that are most likely to hire you, so you can focus on jobs with the highest likelihood of success. Go online to create your account or to email the organization directly.
Main Website:

Hot Chicken Takeover (HCT)

Provides supportive jobs to men and women who need a fair chance at work, whether it be homelessness, previous incarceration, or another barrier to employment. Some examples of support they provide include: flexible scheduling, professional development, counseling and their Matched Milestone Program for things like housing, education, transportation, and more. Visit the website for their menu and site locations.

IMPACT Community Action

Provides income-based case management services, emergency assistance services, financial services, computer literacy and workforce development programs. Most of the programs are for Franklin County residents living at or below 125% of the Federal Poverty Level. Visit the website or call for more information.

  • Emergency Assistance Services: Financial assistance for household items, car repairs, burial support, rent/mortgage, transportation, water and energy (HEAP) assistance, food giveaways during the summer.
  • Empowerment Services: Computer classes, financial services, re-entry program, ages 14-24 not enrolled in school and are not employed or are aging out of foster care (AMP: Achieve More & Prosper program), workforce development/employment, vocational training and certification, and Smart Tax Prep.
  • Energy Assistance Services: Free home repairs through their Home Weatherization Assistance Program (HWAP) and energy efficient lighting and refrigerator/freezer replacement through their AEP Program

Southside: 711 Southwood Ave, Columbus, Ohio 43207
Westside: 4129 West Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43228

  • General: (614) 252-2799
  • AMP (Achieve More & Prosper): (614) 233-2671
  • EMPOWERED Career Exploration: (614) 371-1245
  • Home Energy Winter Crisis Program (HEAP): (614) 249-0019
AMP website:

Jewish Family Services (JFS)

Offers a combination of job search assistance, counseling, case management, and family stabilization designed to meet the complex needs of individuals and families. Wrap-around services help clients address challenges like stable housing, financial wellness, and mental and physical health challenges. Most services are free, and mental health counseling fees are based on insurance. JFS is open to the Jewish and non-Jewish communities. They also offer resettlement services for refugees and New Americans, and specialized services for Holocaust survivors and older adults.
1070 College Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43209
(614) 231-1890

My Future

This website helps young adults plan their next steps in life by bringing together information about colleges, careers, and military service opportunities. Access helpful articles on writing a resume, job searching, planning for and paying for college, what to take to college, interview tips, military service, preparing for military life, and more. The website has helpful search tools to find high-demand jobs, colleges, and military job postings.

OhioMeansJobs Columbus-Franklin County

Free employment services for all ages, working and unemployed. The website has articles with tips for job searching, free online training modules for math and reading, GED prep, and computer skills; and resources for veterans, senior citizens, and previously incarcerated people. Job Centers offer help finding a job, free access to computer lab, technology training, help for employers, and more. Services and availability vary by location, use the website to find a Job Center near you.
Columbus-Franklin County Job Center: 1111 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43205
(614) 559-5052
Ohio Means Jobs Columbus-Franklin County:
Ohio Means Jobs State Website:

Opportunity Port

Started by Columbus City Council as an initiative aimed at expanding employment and housing opportunities for residents of Columbus and Franklin County by sealing their criminal records. Opportunity Port does not provide legal advice but helps former offenders seal their record. Visit their website for more information and to contact the organization.

St. John Learning Center

Columbus, faith-based non-profit offering free adult education, GED classes, job search support, homebuyer and small business workshops, and mental health awareness.
640 South Ohio Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43205
(614) 547-2171

Today’s Military

A resource for young adults, parents, and educators to learn about military service and careers. The website provides interviews with active-duty service members, interactive tools to explore career opportunities, benefits and education information, and more. The resource is produced by the United States Department of Defense.

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