Nonprofit charitable pharmacy that provides prescription medications to Franklin County residents at or below 300% of the federal poverty level. They also provide medication education and counseling, and referrals to other community resources. New patients should visit the website to schedule an appointment.
Livingston United Methodist Church, 200 East Livingston Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43215
(614) 227-0301
These neighborhood resource lists are extremely helpful in finding resources near you. They provide detailed listings of free and low cost health care, vision care, dental care, prescription help, food pantries, transportation, job help, transportation, pregnancy resources and much more. They are updated frequently and reviewed by the Columbus Public Health social work team. Please note that CPH does not provide direct monetary assistance, but these lists are helpful in finding community agencies that do provide this assistance.
240 Parsons Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43215
Questions About Health & Community Resources: (614) 645-1244
Columbus Public Health Neighborhood Social Work Helpline: (614) 645-6807
Faith-based organization providing a wide range of services across Ohio. Services include Faith Mission homeless shelter, food, health care, affordable senior living and domestic violence help. Visit the website for detailed program information and to find an office near you. The United Way/LSS 211 Information and Referral network can connect you to other social services across Franklin County.
A search engine created to help patients, caregivers and healthcare providers learn more about the resources available through various biopharmaceutical industry programs. MAT is not its own patient assistance program, but rather a search engine for patience assistance resources. Search for programs by medication name, your financial eligibility, and your location. The website also has helpful information on finding a free or low-cost clinic near you, medication savings cards, and health insurance.
This organization maintains a website of free information on programs that help those who can’t afford medications. Use their website to find prescription resources such as discount drug cards, government programs, low cost clinics, patient assistance programs, disease-based prescription help, and programs for children. You can also call their helpline for help finding programs.
Helpline: (800) 503-6897
Provides free services and direct financial assistance for qualifying patients to help with co-payments, co-insurance or cost-sharing associated with prescription drugs through funds dedicated to specific diseases. Applicants must have a qualifying diagnosis, have active insurance, and be at or below 500% of the federal poverty guidelines. Patients can call or go online to start an application. Healthcare providers and pharmacies may also apply on behalf of a patient.
421 Butler Farm Road, Hampton, Virginia 23666
(866) 512-3861
This medical organization helps adults age 19+ with healthcare challenges due to individual barriers. They serve individuals across Central Ohio, including Franklin, Delaware, Licking, Fairfield, Pickaway, Union and Madison counties. Translation services are available. Programs include:
1390 Dublin Road, Columbus, Ohio 43215
(614) 884-2441
A national, online directory for patient assistance programs that offer free or low-cost medications. Use the website to search for programs by medication name. Programs vary but most require that patients meet income guidelines, are U.S. citizens, and have no prescription insurance coverage.
Frequently Asked Questions:
RxAssist Patient Center:
Program: Provides comprehensive behavioral healthcare, including mental health counseling for individuals and families, primary care, dental care, pharmacy services, and vocational services. Substance use treatment services include immediate access to detox, medication assisted treatment, counseling, and case management. Homeless services include Men’s homeless shelter, transitional housing for adults with mental health disorders, and wraparound services. They serve multiple counties in Ohio, programs vary by location.
Eligibility: Ages 3+
Cost: Government insurance (Medicaid, Molina, Caresource), Private insurance, Self-pay (sliding scale fees based on income).
Referral: Individuals may refer themselves or be referred by a physician.
General Questions: (614) 225-0990