Columbus OH
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Smart Places for Health Information

Allergy & Asthma Network

Provides practical, easy-to-understand information from medical experts on asthma, allergies, food allergies, anaphylaxis, and eczema. Find helpful information for families on topics including managing symptoms and avoiding triggers, patient assistance programs for medication costs, managing asthma at school, and allergies in pregnancy. They also have helpful tools for professionals on research, treatment options, health equity, and more.
(800) 878-4403

American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Child Symptom Checker

Use the interactive symptom checker to search for advice by your child’s symptoms. Find information about what may be causing symptoms, care advice, and when to call for help.

American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Healthy Children

This website is a great source of verified health information for parents on a wide range of health topics, such as healthy living, family life, immunizations, child development, and medical conditions. They offer articles with topics including safety, fitness, school issues, dating, substance abuse, emotional wellness, psychiatric medications, grief and more. You can also use the website to find a pediatrician in your zip code.

American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Immigrant Health Toolkit

This toolkit was designed to provide practical information and best practices for pediatricians treating immigrant children, youth, and families. Toolkit topics include clinical care considerations, treatment recommendations, access to resources and public benefits, unique stressors, and more.
(800) 433-9016

American Heart Association

This organization is the publisher for the official guidelines for CPR and Emergency Cardiovascular Care (ECC). Use the website to find CPR and Basic Life Support (BLS) trainings near you, or to purchase training materials. They also have helpful information on heart-healthy living (such as eating, fitness, quitting smoking), heart conditions (heart attack and stroke symptoms, congenital heart defects, and more), and tools for healthcare professionals and educators.
(800) 242-8721
Main Website:
CPR Classes:

Arthritis Foundation

Supports individuals living with arthritis through science, advocacy, resources, and community. Their website has great information on types of arthritis (including juvenile arthritis), treatments and medications, navigating insurance, finding a doctor, and healthy living interventions. Their Helpline is staffed by licensed social workers to help callers find support and resources Monday through Friday. They also offer virtual Peer Support Groups and educational webinars for families and healthcare providers.
Helpline: (800) 283-7800

Cincinnati Children’s Alphabetical Listing of Condition-Specific Web Resources

Search the online directory to find information and condition-specific resources, arranged in alphabetical order by condition/diagnosis.

Health Information Websites

The websites below offer helpful health information from reputable sources on topics such as healthy lifestyle, diseases, prevention, and treatment.

  • CDC: Find an A-Z library on health conditions, vaccines, current disease outbreaks, and prevention.
  • Healthy Children: Information on kids health and development, parenting, and more from the American Academy of Pediatrics.
  • KidsHealth and TeensHealth: Tons of important health information throughout the lifespan from Nemours.
  • Mayo Clinic: Find symptoms, treatments, and when to see a doctor for various health conditions. They also have information on clinical trials and resources for professionals.
  • MedlinePlus: Look up drugs, supplements, medical tests, and health conditions from the National Library of Medicine.
  • MyHealthfinder: Offers information on nutrition, vaccines, and health conditions from the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.
  • MyPlate: Healthy eating and nutrition throughout the lifespan.
  • Oncolink: Information about various types of cancer, treatments, and support from cancer experts.

Mount Carmel von Zychlin Healthy Living Center

Community health and wellness center providing free holistic health and wellness programs in an inclusive space. Programs include cooking and nutrition, diabetes prevention, exercise classes, wellness and stress management, financial education, healthy babies, and mom support groups. The Cooking Demo & Discussion Course includes a live cooking demo, sample of the recipe, meal kit, and entry for a free kitchen appliance for attendees who make the recipe at home. Go online to find healthy recipes, program descriptions, and to register for a program.
(614) 234-4660
777 West State Street, Columbus, Ohio 43222


MyPlate is the official visual guide for modern healthy eating from the USDA (previously the food pyramid). MyPlate makes it easy to remember to choose healthy foods and portions, and is easily customizable for your age or health concerns. The website has helpful information on healthy eating, nutrition throughout life stages and pregnancy, recipes and tutorials, and tools for professionals. Take the online quiz or use the MyPlate app to set and track your personal nutrition goals.

National Kidney Foundation (NKF) of Central Ohio

Serves those who have been, or know someone that is, diagnosed with kidney disease. They provide educational materials and resources on the website about kidney disease, treatment options, transplantations, and up-to-date information for professionals. They also offer peer support groups, tools to find a provider near you, and help joining a research study. NFK Central Ohio also provides community education and shares knowledge of kidney disease with Columbus residents.
1491 Polaris Parkway Box 268, Columbus, Ohio, 43240
(614) 882-6184

Nationwide Children’s Hospital (NCH) Center for Injury Research & Policy

Provides guidance from experts and researchers at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. Visit the website for helpful articles on a variety of safety topics including bicycle safety, burns, poison, driving, home safety, gun safety, sports, playgrounds, and more.

Nationwide Children’s Hospital (NCH) Health e-Hints Newsletter

A free, monthly e-newsletter written by pediatric specialists. Sign up to get expert insights on trending wellness topics straight to your inbox.

Nationwide Children’s Hospital (NCH) Health Information & Helping Hands

Offers educational materials for parents and caregivers from pediatric experts. Helping Hands are easy-to-read articles on topics including health conditions, caring for medical equipment at home, behavior support, medical tests, and caring for newborns. Visit the Conditions We Treat page for even more information on health conditions A-Z and how to get treatment.
Helping Hands:
Conditions We Treat:

Nemours KidsHealth and TeensHealth

This website from Nemours Children’s Health offers tons of important health information for kids, teens, and their parents. Kids can find fun videos on how the body works and approachable answers to questions like, how do casts work? The Teen website covers topics like depression, sexual health, smoking, coping with cliques, binge drinking, body image and much more. Parents can find medically-reviewed articles on how vaccines work, how to choose a car seat, developmental milestones, supporting kids’ emotional wellbeing, healthy eating, and more. Educators can also find free health-related lesson plans for PreK-12.

Sesame Street in the Communities

Provides fun and educational resources for families from the child educators behind the Sesame Street show. Topics range from ABCs & 123s to tough topics that affect children’s lives; including health and wellness, social-emotional skills, trauma, race, grief, and more. They offer free videos, games, and worksheets for children to explore; and resources for parents and educators.

Sesame Workshop Resources for Families Website:
Kids’ Website:

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