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Financial Assistance for Transportation

Franklin County Department of Job & Family Services (JFS)

Provides financial, medical, and social service programs in Franklin County. Programs include cash assistance (Ohio Works First, LEAP), help paying for child care, food assistance (Ohio Direction Card/SNAP/EBT, WIC), medical assistance (Medicaid, Healthy Start), and Ohio Means Jobs assistance for job seekers. Emergency Assistance (PRC) funds may be requested for a maximum of $2,000 to use towards overdue rent and utility bills, car repairs; or damages as a result of a natural disaster, housefire, or flood. Visit the website to view specific eligibility requirements for each program, and to start your application. People outside of Franklin County should visit their local county Department of Job and Family Services.

  • East Opportunity Center: 1055 Mount Vernon Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43203
  • Northland Opportunity Center: 1721 Northland Park Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43229
  • West Opportunity Center: 314 North Wilson Road, Columbus, Ohio 43204

(614) 233-2000
Customer Access Center: (844) 640-6446
Medicaid Transportation: (614) 233-2381
Ohio Medicaid Consumer Hotline: (800) 324-8680
Workforce Development: (614) 212-1800
Ohio Direction EBT Card Assistance: (866) 386-3071
Find Your Local ODJFS Office:
Self-Service Ohio Benefits Portal (Apply Here):
Main Website:

Free Charity Cars

Non-profit providing free, donated vehicles to families at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level. Recipients must cover tag/title/registration fees, insurance, and are responsible for the ongoing maintenance of the vehicle. The charity does not have inventory and distributes cars as they are donated, so there may be considerable wait time. Go online and fill out the Vehicle Request Form to request help. You can also use the website to donate your vehicle or contact the organization.

IMPACT Community Action

Provides income-based case management services, emergency assistance services, financial services, computer literacy and workforce development programs. Most of the programs are for Franklin County residents living at or below 125% of the Federal Poverty Level. Visit the website or call for more information.

  • Emergency Assistance Services: Financial assistance for household items, car repairs, burial support, rent/mortgage, transportation, water and energy (HEAP) assistance, food giveaways during the summer.
  • Empowerment Services: Computer classes, financial services, re-entry program, ages 14-24 not enrolled in school and are not employed or are aging out of foster care (AMP: Achieve More & Prosper program), workforce development/employment, vocational training and certification, and Smart Tax Prep.
  • Energy Assistance Services: Free home repairs through their Home Weatherization Assistance Program (HWAP) and energy efficient lighting and refrigerator/freezer replacement through their AEP Program

Southside: 711 Southwood Ave, Columbus, Ohio 43207
Westside: 4129 West Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43228

  • General: (614) 252-2799
  • AMP (Achieve More & Prosper): (614) 233-2671
  • EMPOWERED Career Exploration: (614) 371-1245
  • Home Energy Winter Crisis Program (HEAP): (614) 249-0019
AMP website:

Lutheran Social Services (LSS) 211 Central Ohio

Faith-based organization providing a wide range of services across Ohio. Services include Faith Mission homeless shelter, food, health care, affordable senior living and domestic violence help. Visit the website for detailed program information and to find an office near you. The United Way/LSS 211 Information and Referral network can connect you to other social services across Franklin County.

  • LSS 211
    Call 211 or (614) 221-2255
  • Central Ohio Main Office
    1105 Schrock Rd, Columbus, OH 43229
    (614) 228-5200
  • Food Pantries
    (614) 341-2282 or text ‘Food’ to (614) 702-7772
    Pantry Locations:
  • LSS Health Center: Offers primary care, dental, vision, HIV/STD testing, pharmacy, and behavioral health care.
    245 North Grant Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43215
    (614) 224-0747
  • New to the US Resources
    Anyone can call 211 for help in English or 180 other languages.
  • Faith Mission Homeless Shelter
    Must call Homeless Hotline in advance to be assigned a bed: (614) 274-7000
    General: (614) 224-6617
    217 North Grant Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43215
    Men’s Shelter: 599 East Eighth Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43201
  • CHOICES Domestic Violence Services: Offers temporary housing, counseling, legal services, and peer support.
    24-hour Domestic Violence Crisis Line: (614) 224-4663
    General: (614) 224-7200
  • Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF): Serves veterans in need of housing stability.
    (614) 224-6617

One Dublin (Formerly Welcome Warehouse)

Located inside Indian Run United Methodist Church, One Dublin offers programs to families temporarily in need. Families must live in the Dublin City School district to receive services. Programs include Adopt-A-Family/Adopt-A-Senior, a community free shop for clothing and hygiene items, mattresses and household items as available, and school supplies. Emergency household assistance is available for utilities, medical expenses, or transportation assistance. Transportation assistance can be used for car payments, uber cards, or bus passes but not car repairs. Referral is required, and assistance is not provided for car repairs or rent/housing.
Mailing Address: 7032 Hospital Drive, Dublin, Ohio 43016
Call or text: (614) 726-6958

St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) Microloan Program

Provides low-interest loans for one-time expenses to individuals living in Coshocton, Delaware, Fairfield, Franklin, Hardin, Knox, Licking, Ross, or Union County. Loans are for expenses such as a car repair, home repair, education, and medical expenses not covered by insurance. They do not provide loans for expenses such as rent, food, or utilities. All applicants will be contacted by Microloan leaders who will help determine eligibility for a loan, coordinate with recipients and a local credit union, and connect applicants to local financial education workshops.
197 East Gay Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215
(614) 285-4473 or (614) 221-3554
Contact for Delaware, Fairfield, Knox, Licking and Ross County:
Note: CAP4Kids does not recommend or endorse any specific company. We encourage families to carefully review and evaluate all services.

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