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Assistive Technology & Equipment

Adaptive Sports Connection

Non-profit serving children, veterans, and adults with disabilities through outdoor and therapeutic recreation and education across Ohio. They support participants at all skill levels with adaptive equipment and instructors for downhill skiing, kayaking, cycling, paddling, sailing, amputee soccer, water skiing, and more. Their Bikes to Go program helps children and adults obtain an adaptive bike. Veterans attend for free, program fees for others are minimal and no one is turned away for inability to pay. Scholarships are also available.
6000 Harriott Drive, Powell, Ohio 43065
(614) 389-3921

American Council of the Blind Ohio (ACBO)

Non-profit membership organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for people who are blind or visually impaired through education and advocacy. They host monthly meetings and fun community events and retreats. The Matching Grants program provides funds to any blind or visually impaired resident of Ohio to pay half the cost of a purchase up to $1000 for new adaptive equipment. Find program details and contact information for other chapters on their website.
3805 North High Street, Columbus, Ohio 43214
(614) 470-2226 or (614) 261-3561

Assistive Technology of Ohio (AT Ohio)

A device-lending library housed at the Ohio State University College of Engineering. Ohio residents of all ages with a disability can borrow devices such as AAC devices, switches, phones, magnifiers, and more. Go online to complete an application and find borrowing requirements. Some items may only be borrowed for professional use. The Computer Refurbishing program provides desktop computers for individuals with a disability at low cost.
1314 Kinnear Road, Columbus, Ohio 43212
AT Ohio: (614) 292-2390 or (800) 784-3425
Computer Refurbishing Program: (614) 688-3222 or (866) 801-7306 Toll-free

Association of Blind Citizens

Their assistive technology fund provides funds to cover a percentage of the retail price of adaptive devices or software to help blind and legally blind individuals. Applicants must be legally blind, a resident of the United States, and meet income requirements to qualify for this program. Find application details online.
PO Box 246, Holbrook, Massachusetts 02343
(781) 961-1023

Bridgeway Academy and Therapy Center

Serves: Children birth to age 21, parents, families, and adults.
Nonprofit education center serving children with autism and developmental disabilities. Bridgeway Academy utilizes Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) to provide private school-day education from preschool through high school, life skills training, vocational training, and transition to adulthood support. Bridgeway Therapy Center serves Bridgeway Academy students and outpatient clients for music therapy, speech, occupational therapy, physical therapy, mental health, and family partnership services. Clinical staff work with families and professionals to assess, diagnose and develop individualized treatment plans in client-centered therapy sessions. They are a provider of Ohio’s Autism Scholarship Program, Jon Peterson Scholarship, Title XX (20), Medicaid, Level One, I. O. and Self Waiver and some insurances.
1350 Alum Creek Drive, Columbus, OH 43209
(614) 262-7520
AAC Center Informational Handout:

Columbus Metropolitan Library (CML)

CML is an award-winning library and amazing resource in the community. With 23 locations throughout Franklin County, they provide a lot more than just books, including lots of free online resources, story times for kids, and community events. Programs include:

  • Adaptive Services: Request accommodations, adaptive audio and visual equipment, and large print reading materials.
  • Adult Education:  ESOL and GED referrals; free technology business, and coding classes; history and genealogy experts, Digital Navigator staff can help you access hardware and software, and Excel Adult High School allows adults to get their high-school degree in an online, self-paced program.
  • Business & Nonprofit Resource Center: Visit Main Library for access to co-working space, specialized professional help, access to community partners, tools, and resources.
  • Culture Pass: Use your library card to check out a Culture Pass for free admission to a variety of Columbus organizations and events; including Columbus Museum of Art, Franklin Park Conservatory, Columbus Clippers, Columbus Symphony, and more.
  • Kindergarten Readiness: Find Storytimes, Play to Learn, and Kindergarten readiness classes for ages 0-5. They also have Skill Builder videos with activities you can do together at home.
  • Notary Service: Free basic notary service with an Ohio Notary Public at most library locations. Schedule an appointment online.
  • School Help: K-12 students can get after-school homework help, K-3 students can get extra reading practice with Reading Buddies in person or online, HelpNow offers 24/7 online homework help and test prep, and some locations host After School Snacktimes.
  • Teen Programs: YouMedia Discord for ages 13-17 to work on music, podcasts, videos, and more with skilled mentors; homework and test prep help, and monthly Teen Spotlight videos.

(614) 645-2275
All Library Locations:
Upcoming Events:

Columbus Speech & Hearing Center

Program: Nonprofit providing occupational individual and group therapy, speech and hearing evaluations, audiology and hearing aid services, speech-language therapy sessions, community outreach programs, American Sign Language (ASL) classes for adults and youth ages 16 and older, and a Support Service Provider program.
Eligibility: Varies by program, serves young children (under the age of 6 years old) up to seniors (65 years old and older)
Cost: Varies by program; self pay and accept many insurances, including Caresource, Molina and Medicaid
Referral: Individuals may refer themselves or be referred by a physician or organization

  • Dublin: 5155 Bradenton Avenue, Dublin, Ohio 43017
  • Clintonville: 510 East North Broadway, Columbus, Ohio 43214
  • Westerville: 470 Olde Worthington Road, Westerville, Ohio 43082

(614) 263-5151

Deaf Services Center (DSC)

Non-profit serving the Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and Deaf-Blind community. Services include ASL classes, C-Print, interpreting, case management, employment services, adaptive equipment programs, youth mentoring programs and summer camps, and early intervention services for ages 0-3 years old with a diagnosis of hearing loss.

  • Central: 5830 North High Street, Worthington, Ohio 43085
    (614) 841-1991 or (614) 515-6065 VP
  • Northwest: 1002 Garden Lake Parkway, Toledo, Ohio 43614
    (419) 720-3935 or (419) 386-2627 VP
  • Southern: Chillicothe, Ohio 45601
    (740) 357-7713 or (740) 370-1254 VP

Disability Rights Ohio

Advocates for people with disabilities in Ohio. Their website has helpful resources on abuse, neglect and exploitation, employment, benefits counseling, education, voting, and more. Rise Up is an interactive youth advocacy guide with resources for transitioning into adulthood. Most of their resources are available in multiple languages, including Spanish and Somali. Complete the online intake form for legal help.
200 Civic Center Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43215
(614) 466-7264 or (800) 282-9181
Rise Up guides:
Intake Form:

Do More Foundation

Offers financial assistance for families who need financial help due to their child’s medical needs. Includes help with utility/rent bills, meal expenses while at the hospital, gas expenses for travel to and from hospital or doctor visits, non-covered medical expenses, non-covered supplies that would aid the child in their treatment and funeral expenses related to the death of a child. Go online for additional contact information and to apply for assistance.
PO Box 1981, Pompano Beach, Florida 33061
(954) 857-9059

Goodwill Easter Seals Miami Valley (GESMV) Accessibility Services

Offers several accessibility programs in the Miami Valley, Ohio area.  The Medical Equipment Loan program lends assistive-living medical equipment to anyone in need, free of charge. Wheelchairs, commodes, walkers, crutches, and more may be available. Visit the website to complete a request form. Vision services include cane training, basic navigation, workplace accessibility, and computer-assisted software for reading. They also offer adult day programs, job coaching, and a radio reading service.
660 South Main Street, Dayton, Ohio 45402
(937) 461-4800
TTY: (937) 226-0356
VRS: (937) 641-8136

Great Schools

This website database lists school ratings and reviews, and provides practical information on raising college-ready kids. Use the website to search for schools by city across the country, compare schools, and see how schools rank based on test scores, equity, and more. The E-ssential Guide to Assistive Technology provides an overview of current technologies to help parents select the right tools for children with learning disabilities.

May We Help

A non-profit, volunteer organization that creates or modifies adaptive devices for individuals with disabilities whose needs cannot be met by a commercially available device. Devices are provided for free. They also accept donated equipment and offer help finding adaptive equipment. Visit the website and complete the Request Help form to get started.
7501 Wooster Pike, Cincinnati, Ohio 45227
(513) 834-6443

McLindon Family Foundation (MFF)

Provides free adaptive bikes to children and young adults with conditions like Spina Bifida, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, Hydrocephalus, Autism, and more. Families may contact the organization directly to start the application process, which includes an application, interview, and letter from the family’s therapist. Wait times vary by state.
8305 Tom Drive, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70815
(225) 456-3505

Medical & Adaptive Equipment Lending

The following agencies offer assistance with medical and special needs equipment and should be contacted directly for further details. Please remember to research consumer information about any piece of furniture to ensure the item has not been placed on any product recall list.

  • Andrews Center
    Church of Ascension
    555 S Main St, Johnstown, Ohio 43031
    (740) 967-7871
  • MOBILE Equipment Loan Program
    MOBILE (Mid-Ohio Board for an Independent Living Environment)
    Offers Deaf Equipment Program, and Equipment Loans for walkers, wheelchairs, canes, and assistive devices.
    1829 East Long Street, Columbus, Ohio 43203
    (614) 443-5936
  • Helping Hands
    Peace United Methodist Church
    Loans hospital beds, wheelchairs, commodes, transfer benches, shower chairs, canes, walkers, crutches, and more depending on availability.
    235 Diley Road, Pickerington, Ohio 43147
    (614) 837-4568

National Association of the Deaf Described & Captioned Media Program (DCMP)

Families and school personnel who have at least one student with a disability can sign up for free membership to access the media center, which has tons of great described and captioned videos with ASL pop-up tools for an accessible media experience. Topics include Deaf life, literature, art classes, science documentaries, and more. Their website also has great educational tools for parents and educators.
(864) 585-1778 or (800) 237-6213

National Federation of the Blind (NFB)

Membership and advocacy organization of blind people, with chapters in each state. Their website has many resources for blind people, parents, and educators. Programs include the following, find specific application forms and requirements on their website:

  • Free White Cane Program: Any blind individual in the US can request a free cane as frequently as every 6 months. Children 0-8 qualify for the Early Explorers Program to receive a free cane and additional educational materials for kids.
  • Free Slate and Stylus Program: Any blind individual in the US can request a free slate and stylus, the only Braille-writing device that has the same portability, flexibility, and affordability as a pen and pencil.
  • NFB-Newsline: A free audio news service for anyone who is blind, low-vision, deafblind, or otherwise print-disabled offering access to books, magazines, newspapers, emergency weather alerts, job listings, and more. They also have a youth version with kid and teen-friendly content. You must apply and register online for access.
    Columbus Newsline: (614) 448-1673
  • NFB Ohio Scholarship Program: Offers scholarships to outstanding blind students who currently live in, or are attending college in the state of Ohio each academic year.
  • Braille Reading Pals Literacy Club: Sign up for free Braille books, activities, birthday cards, and more for blind children 0-8 years old.

PO Box 20544, Dayton, OH 45420
Ohio: (937) 829-3368
National: (410) 659-9314

Nationwide Children’s Hospital (NCH) Homecare

Provides a full range of homecare services to Central Ohio children of all ages, from newborns through young adults. Homecare offers the following areas of service:

  • Infusion Pharmacy
  • Pediatric Home Medical Equipment (includes aerosol equipment, wheelchairs and ambulatory supplies, blood pressure kits, apnea monitors, breast pumps, wound care, and more.)
  • Intermittent (Short-Term) Nursing and Private Duty (Long-Term) Nursing
  • Skilled Therapy Services (occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech and language therapy)
  • Hospice and Home-Based Palliative Care services for children with life-limiting illnesses

255 East Main Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215
(614) 355-1100

Nationwide Children’s Hospital (NCH) Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (PM&R)

Specializes in the diagnosis and management of children with physically disabling conditions. Services include wheelchair and seating evaluations, prosthetic evaluations, spasticity management, electrodiagnosis, and more.
700 Children’s Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43205
Cerebral Palsy Clinic: (614) 722-5136
Myelomeningocele Clinic: (614) 722-5775
Botox, Concussion, Electrodiagnostic, Physical Medicine, and Seating Clinics: (614) 722-5050

Nationwide Children’s Hospital (NCH) School-Based Health Services

Provides additional access to healthcare at your child’s school. The services provided are not meant to replace your pediatrician or family doctor. Care Connection programs include: Primary Care for ages 0-21, vaccination clinics, School-Based Asthma Therapy (SBAT), Wheelchair Clinic, Vision, Dental, Diabetes and School Health (DASH), Mental Health counseling. They accept most private insurances, Medicaid, and financial assistance program for qualifying families. No child is turned away for inability to pay for services. Visit the website for a list of participating school locations and additional contact information.
(614) 355-2590

Nisonger Center at The Ohio State University (OSU)

Serves: Infants, school-aged children, teens, and adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities. 
The Nisonger Center has a variety of programs for individuals with developmental disabilities, including Down syndrome and autism spectrum disorders. Services include developmental/diagnostic evaluations, clinical support services, specialized dental programs, inclusive childcare and early childhood education, social programs for teens, TOPS post-secondary education and transitional skills program for adult students at OSU, psychiatric services, and more. They accept all major insurances, Medicaid, Board of DD Waivers, and offer a sliding scale for payment. Scholarships and fee arrangements are available for some programs. Contact the center for program details and eligibility.
1581 Dodd Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43210
Administration: (614) 685-3192 or (855) 983-9955

Ohio Center for Autism & Low Incidence (OCALI)

Connects individuals with disabilities to community resources, advocates for inclusive public policy, and provides training opportunities for professionals. They publish an Autism parent guide that includes topics such as screening and diagnosis, accessing educational services, and future planning. Their website has many helpful resources, including the Autism Center, Outreach Center for Deafness and Blindness, Lifespan Transitions, Assistive Technology, Teaching Diverse Learners, Family and Community Outreach, and Young Child Center.
470 Glenmont Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43214
(614) 410-0321
OCALI Contact Directory:

Ohio Relay

Provides free services that enable people who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, DeafBlind or those with a Speech Disability to place and receive phone calls. Calls can be made to anyone, anywhere in the world, 24/7. Communication assistants are specially trained to facilitate the calls, and all calls are completely confidential. Find Voice/telephone numbers below, and specific numbers depending on the assistive device at the link.
Voice Call: 711 or (800) 750-0750
Customer Service: 800-676-3777 (TTY/Voice)
Español: (888) 269-0678

Oracle Health Foundation

Provides grants to help cover clinical, equipment, displacement, and vehicle modification costs related to children’s healthcare needs. They also provide Care Kits with age-appropriate personal care and comfort items for children going through life challenges such as foster care. Requests can be made through their website.
(816) 201-1569

Red Treehouse

Online resource directory supporting families and children with life challenges, disabilities, and healthcare needs from prenatal to age 25. The website helps families find resources and organizations to meet their specific needs and challenges. Users can customize profiles by location (counties within Ohio), age ranges, medical conditions, and topics of interest.

Safe Place Bedding

Provides safety beds and solutions to improve quality of life for children and adults with disabilities, whether at home or traveling. Families can go online to order a permanent bed, travel bed, and other safety items. The beds are Medicaid-approved in Ohio. The company accepts insurance and provides liaison services to coordinate care between your physician and insurance. Their in-house physical therapist can assist with Letter of Medical Necessity if needed.
Call or Text: (614) 602-5196
Program Brochure

Southeastern Ohio Center for Independent Living (SOCIL)

Assists people of all ages with all types of disabilities to live more independently. The majority of their board and staff are people with disabilities, assisting others with disabilities. They provide information and referrals for housing, education, transportation, assistive technology, and benefits. They also offer Advocacy/Peer Support, Independent Living Skills Training, and help locating other community-based services.

  • Fairfield County: 418 South Broad Street, Lancaster, Ohio 43130
  • Hocking County: 96 West Hunter Street, Logan, Ohio 43138

(740) 380-1475

State Library of Ohio Talking Book Program

Provides free recorded books, magazines and playback equipment to eligible blind, visually impaired, print or reading disabled Ohio residents. Find program details and apply for TalkingBook services online.
(800) 686-1531 or (614) 644-6895

T-Mobile Accessibility

Find phone plan features and services through T-Mobile for accessible communication. Services include ASL Video Customer Service, large print and braille billing statements, and a Directory Assistance Program.
Voice Call: (800) 676-3777
Español: (800) 676-4290
Speech-to-Speech: (877) 787-1989
TTY: (800) 676-3777

The Arc of Ohio

Advocates for the rights of individuals with disabilities through legislative action, information and education, local chapter support and family involvement. Families can call for a Family Advocate to help navigate the disability system and answer questions on everything from waivers, to guardianship, transition services, county boards, the appeal process, and much more. They can help families get assistive equipment, and their website has lots of helpful information for individuals and families.
1335 Dublin Road, Columbus, Ohio 43215
(614) 487-4720

The Perlman Center for Cerebral Palsy (Assistive Technology)

Provides care for children, adolescents, and adults with cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, spina bifida, spinal cord injury, and other neuromuscular disabilities at multiple locations through Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. Services include case management, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and early childhood integrated therapies. They also provide comprehensive assistive technology evaluations for all ages.
(513) 636-4601
3333 Burnet Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45229
5642 Hamilton Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45224
9560 Children’s Drive, Mason, Ohio 45040

U.S. General Service Administration (GSA) Section 508 Accessibility Program

Provides information, resources and tools focused on helping the government implement the requirements of Section 508. The website has legal requirements and resources for designing accessible content like documents and presentations, buying accessible products and services, and training tools.
(202) 272-0080

United Cerebral Palsy (USP)

Promotes independence and inclusion for people with cerebral palsy, intellectual, developmental, and other disabilities. Their website has tons of helpful Resources including a Guide to Homebuying for people with disabilities, disability etiquette, healthcare resources, and more. UCP of Greater Cleveland offers a Mobility Clinic for Assistive Technology assessment and equipment fitting. They also offer therapy and education services for children, and adult day services.
UCP National Office: 8401 Old Courthouse Road, Vienna, Virginia 22182
(800) 872-5827
UCP Greater Cleveland: 10011 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44106
(216) 791-8363


Provides smart home technologies such as security cameras, sensors, smart locks, smart thermostats, and more. They also offer installation and 24/7 monitoring services with flexible financing options.
(866) 589-9607

Voicecorps Reading Service

Service for people who have a medical condition that prevents them from reading print. Volunteers read aloud from current local and national newspapers, magazines, various periodicals/journals, grocery/retail ads, and more. They use broadcasting and internet streaming to deliver readings in a 24-hour schedule. Listen live any time using the internet, or contact Voicecorps for help accessing their services on a digital TV, Amazon smart speaker, or free SCA radio loan.
2955 West Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43204
(614) 274-7650

Wheelchairs 4 Kids

Provides wheelchairs, home and vehicle modifications, and assistive equipment to families of children with physical disabilities. All services are offered at no cost to families that qualify.
(727) 946-0963

YMCA of Central Ohio

Hosts programs for all ages, including health and fitness, swimming, childcare, summer camps, juvenile justice, and housing services.

  • Healthy Living Programs: Y Members can access swim lessons, group fitness classes, personal training, lifeguard & CPR training, and more. Programs for youth include School Days Off programs, summer camps, leadership, teen programs, and more. Financial assistance is available for membership.
  • Child Care Centers: Offers full-day childcare for children ages 6 weeks to 5 years old at YMCA Early Learning Centers.
    • YMCA Early Learning Center: 2879 Johnstown Road, Columbus, Ohio 43219
      (614) 342-5836
    • YMCA Early Learning Center West: 1952 West Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43223
      (614) 752-8877
  • Early Childhood Programs: Offers Head Start Programs, Preschool, and Kindergarten Jump Start Summer Program at various YMCA locations. Free or low-cost Preschool may be available for qualifying families through the ECE Grant Program. Families can also access free childcare while adults use the Y facilities.
    Head Start: (614) 389-3880
    Preschool & Kindergarten Jump Start: (614) 288-8084
  • Early Childhood Resource Network Plus (ECRN+): Programs for children with special healthcare needs, developmental disabilities, an delays. Services include early intervention for ages 0-3, developmental screenings for ages 3-5, speech therapy, and SPARK school readiness. Families can apply online for an adaptive equipment loan.
  • Housing: Provides supportive housing and wraparound case management services for adults facing homelessness in Columbus, Ohio.
    (614) 705-9151
  • PALS Juvenile Justice: Provides a structured and supervised environment for 6-12th grade students as an alternative to being suspended from school. Students must be referred by their school district.
    (614) 578-7568
  • Y Cares: Supports families who are pregnant or have infants under the age of 1. Includes free pregnancy tests, emergency diapers, formula and baby supplies, counseling, and more.
    (614) 689-2080
  • YMCA Stable Families: Families with children (from Pre-K to 12th grade) who live in Franklin County can access a service coordinator who can help with household income, maintaining safe and stable housing, and academic achievement of school-aged children.
    (614) 813-1226

Locations & Contact Info:
YMCA Columbus Main Website:

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