Click logo or here to get help by Zip Code
The Department of Planning and Development (DPD) helps residents buy, repair and keep their homes. Answer a few questions on their website to see what you are eligible for.
Offering a homebuyer assistance grant of up to $10,000 (or 6% of the home’s purchase price, whichever is lower) to assist first-time homebuyers reduce the principal, cover down payment and loan closing costs.
To be eligible you must complete a FREE City-funded homeownership counseling program before you sign an Agreement of Sale. Homeownership counseling successfully prepares borrowers for this big life decision. See and check out flyer
Turn The Key (TTK) is helping Philadelphia families buy new affordable homes and build equity for their futures. Our development partners are building energy efficient homes on publicly owned land across Philadelphia. Go to for info
AHCOPA provides free housing counseling for the Greater Philadelphia area. Services include:
Offering grants of $5K-$15K to BIPOC Philadelphians. Go to for info and to apply.
PHA develops, acquires, leases and operates affordable housing for city residents with limited incomes- 215-684-4000
Click logo or here for Tenant Right by Zip Code
PhillyTenant is an amazing resource for tenet rights in Philadelphia. Click for dozens of resources and here for the Resource Guide. As well as amazing resource library. or call 267-443-2500
The City of Philadelphia’s FREE Eviction Diversion Program (EDP) helps landlords and tenants resolve disputes and avoid going to court. EDP facilitates satisfactory and sustainable landlord-tenant agreements through mediation or supported direct negotiation. Tenets call 215-523-9501 for info or go to
Help finding affordable homes to buy/rent; help with debt and foreclosure prevention; free financial counseling and more. Go to or call 1.855.827.3466
WCRP helps low-income women by providing affordable housing options, neighborhood resources,supportive services for women and their families. Go to or call
215.627.5550 for info.
Search by zip code various affordable housing programs. Click here for info
Housing counseling agencies help families navigate the financial issues related to housing. They help with the home-buying process, credit repair, foreclosure prevention and more. Click here for a location near you.
Many programs for low/middle income buyers, renters- 800-822-1174
Offers a home ownership program for low-income individuals and families. 1829 N 19th Street. 215-765-6000.
Help for homeowners with mortgage deliquencies, foreclosures, and predatory loans. Call 215-334-4663 for help.
Advocates for fairness in rental property relationships. For tenants only – 215-686-4670
Their mission is to ensure equal access to housing opportunities for all people. The Center educates the public on fair housing laws, provides assistance to individuals who have experienced housing discrimination, and offers information and counseling on housing related issues including finding low cost rental properties. Call 215-625-0700 or 866-576-1968 toll free for help.
CLS provides legal representation and advice to low-income tenants who are renters in non-subsidized housing in Philadelphia County. We provide, when possible, counsel in cases involving eviction, illegal lockouts, unlawful termination of utilities, homes in disrepair, and Complaints before the Philadelphia Fair Housing Commission. Phone intake 267-443-2500, walk in 1424 Chestnut Street or website for great resources.
If you are at risk of becoming homeless, there is help. Click below for info.
ACHIEVEability works to permanently break the cycle of poverty by helping, formerly homeless, low-income, single-parent families have what they need to pursue higher education and achieve self-sufficiency via supportive services, community and economic development, housing and accountability. To become a client or to get more information, please call 215-748-8800.
Counseling for landlord/tenant disputes- rental assistance- tenant rights-21 South 12th St, Suite 1100.-215-940-3900-
Click here for info on various programs including: emergency heating repairs; repairs for seniors; adaptive modification programs; emergency home repairs and info on low cost home repair loans:
The Restore, Repair, Renew program is a new initiative of the City of Philadelphia to help Philadelphia homeowners to access low-interest home equity loans to invest in their properties. Lenders participating in the program are offering a 10-year fixed-rate 3% interest home equity term loan ranging from $2,500 to $50,000 (inclusive of 10% contingency) to eligible homeowners with a household income of 120% of area median or less. Click here for info or call 215-866-5200
Provides no-cost critical repairs for vulnerable homeowners in Philadelphia including those over 55 and individuals with asthma. Click here for info
Heater Hotline offers free minor heater repairs for low-income homeowners through the Energy Coordinating Agency. Information:215-609-1000 or
The Pennsylvania Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) helps low income people pay their heating bills through energy assistance grants. People need not have an unpaid bill to receive energy assistance. People can receive this money without being on welfare. For more information call 1-866-857-7095.
If you want to call the utility company directly call
(215) 787-HEAT (4328). for PGW and ask about their Customer Responsibility Program (CRP) or CRISIS grants for low income people or
1-800-344-3574 for PECO.
PECO Assistance Programs
LIHEAP Application
LIHEAP info Spanish
LIHEAP Application Spanish
UESF provides grants to income eligible families who have applied already to LIHEAP but are at risk to have their utilities terminated or have a notice of shut off. Call 215-972-5170 for more information.
Free energy check-up and FREE energy-saving items (bulbs, fire alarm, even major appliances) for lower income Philadelphia residents. To see if you qualify, click here
Click here for resources from the City to prevent Water Shutoffs-
About the new TAP program:
COMPASS–Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Access to Social Services–is a web site that allows individuals and community based organizations access to screen for, apply for, and renew a broad range of social programs including Food Stamps, Health Care, Cash Assistance ect.-see what your family is eligible for!! ALSO, download myCOMPASS PA app from apple, android to check benefits, upload documents, check status and balances. No more lines!
Each NEC provides utility payment assistance, education on weatherizing, and minor home repairs. See link below for one in your neighborhood.
CLS provides free legal advise and counsel to clients to help resolve disputes with PECO, PGW, and PWD. For CENTER CITY: 215-981-3700 North Philadelphia Law Center:215-227-2400 for more information.
Need help paying your Electric Bill click here
Need help paying your Gas Bill click here
Need help paying your Water Bill click here
Helps low income families save on utility bills as well as find ways to cut down on their bills. Operates neighborhood energy services (see link below to find one near you). 106 W Clearfield. Call (215) 988-0929.
A variety of assistance for the prevention, detection, and treatment of childhood lead poisoning- 215-978-2788. Lead Safe Babies Project- free lead cleaning supplies and free home inspection for new or pregnant parents- 215-685-2797