With chapters across the county and throughout Ohio, A Kid Again provides free fun adventures, hospital visitations and parents’ nights out for families with children who have a life-threatening medical illness. Visit the website to find your local chapter, upcoming Adventures, and enroll online for free.
777-G Dearborn Park Lane, Columbus, Ohio 43085
(614) 797-9500
Non-profit granting wishes for children ages 0-20 with a life-threatening or terminal illness who have not had a wish granted by another wish-granting organization. Anyone can refer a child by completing the form on their website. Call the organization for additional details.
Serves: Students ages 3-21, individuals, and families.
Agency providing services for individuals with autism and other neurological disabilities. Services include intervention training and support, customized and individualized learning options through the Ohio Autism Scholarship Program, and independent supportive living. The Beyond Ability Matters program provides housing, educational experiences like preparing for a job interview, and community outings. Services are offered by trained and experienced care providers.
425 Metro Place North, Dublin, Ohio 43017
(614) 956-1229
Beyond Ability Matters: beyondabilitymatters.com
Serves Deaf and DeafBlind survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and harassment. They provide services in Washington state and staff the 24/7 National Deaf Hotline, which provides confidential education, safety planning, and referrals. The Deaf Hotline website has great information and training modules in ASL on topics like deaf culture and domestic violence, healthy relationships, consent, how to support loved ones, and more.
Promotes the use of listening and spoken language for infants, young children and adults who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (rather than signed or visual languages). Their website provides a lot of resources for parents, including financial aid and scholarship opportunities.
3417 Volta Place Northwest, Washington, DC 20007
(202) 337-5220 or (202) 337-5221 TTY
Provides practical, easy-to-understand information from medical experts on asthma, allergies, food allergies, anaphylaxis, and eczema. Find helpful information for families on topics including managing symptoms and avoiding triggers, patient assistance programs for medication costs, managing asthma at school, and allergies in pregnancy. They also have helpful tools for professionals on research, treatment options, health equity, and more.
(800) 878-4403
Use the interactive symptom checker to search for advice by your child’s symptoms. Find information about what may be causing symptoms, care advice, and when to call for help.
This website is a great source of verified health information for parents on a wide range of health topics, such as healthy living, family life, immunizations, child development, and medical conditions. They offer articles with topics including safety, fitness, school issues, dating, substance abuse, emotional wellness, psychiatric medications, grief and more. You can also use the website to find a pediatrician in your zip code.
A community of families, survivors, and friends who have been affected by childhood and adolescent cancer, offering information and advocacy for families. Families can use their website to order free resources including medical play kits, coloring pages, and books. The website also has information on cancer statistics, advocacy, financial aid resources, and support groups.
Non-profit membership organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for people who are blind or visually impaired through education and advocacy. They host monthly meetings and fun community events and retreats. The Matching Grants program provides funds to any blind or visually impaired resident of Ohio to pay half the cost of a purchase up to $1000 for new adaptive equipment. Find program details and contact information for other chapters on their website.
3805 North High Street, Columbus, Ohio 43214
(614) 470-2226 or (614) 261-3561
This national organization provides information and resources about diabetes, and advocates for children and adults with diabetes. Their information specialists can provide general information about diabetes and diabetes management. ADA Diabetes Imagine Camps are held once a year during the summer for kids with Type 1 diabetes and those at risk of developing Type 2, as well as for their families. Go online to find program info and application details about the Ohio Imagine Camp.
2451 Crystal Drive, Arlington, Virginia 22202
(800) 342-2383
Main Website: diabetes.org
ADA Imagine Camp: diabetes.org/get-involved/camp
This organization is the publisher for the official guidelines for CPR and Emergency Cardiovascular Care (ECC). Use the website to find CPR and Basic Life Support (BLS) trainings near you, or to purchase training materials. They also have helpful information on heart-healthy living (such as eating, fitness, quitting smoking), heart conditions (heart attack and stroke symptoms, congenital heart defects, and more), and tools for healthcare professionals and educators.
(800) 242-8721
Main Website: heart.org
CPR Classes: cpr.heart.org
Provides free information and resources to support greater independence for those who are blind or low-vision. Their website has a lot of information for families and professionals. They also host family support groups and educational webinars. Call or use the searchable directory on their home page to find agencies and resources near you.
Program highlights:
Call with questions, for help finding resources, or to sign up for Family Connect: (800) 232-5463
Supports individuals living with arthritis through science, advocacy, resources, and community. Their website has great information on types of arthritis (including juvenile arthritis), treatments and medications, navigating insurance, finding a doctor, and healthy living interventions. Their Helpline is staffed by licensed social workers to help callers find support and resources Monday through Friday. They also offer virtual Peer Support Groups and educational webinars for families and healthcare providers.
Helpline: (800) 283-7800
A device-lending library housed at the Ohio State University College of Engineering. Ohio residents of all ages with a disability can borrow devices such as AAC devices, switches, phones, magnifiers, and more. Go online to complete an application and find borrowing requirements. Some items may only be borrowed for professional use. The Computer Refurbishing program provides desktop computers for individuals with a disability at low cost.
1314 Kinnear Road, Columbus, Ohio 43212
AT Ohio: (614) 292-2390 or (800) 784-3425
Computer Refurbishing Program: (614) 688-3222 or (866) 801-7306 Toll-free
Their assistive technology fund provides funds to cover a percentage of the retail price of adaptive devices or software to help blind and legally blind individuals. Applicants must be legally blind, a resident of the United States, and meet income requirements to qualify for this program. Find application details online.
PO Box 246, Holbrook, Massachusetts 02343
(781) 961-1023
The website has reliable information on facts, symptoms, treatment, and medical recommendations for asthma and allergies. They host educational webinars for parents, online support communities, and Ask the Allergist knowledge base where anyone can get general questions answered by a medical professional. They also have tools for healthcare professionals, research and reports, and advocacy resources.
(800) 727-8462
Main Website: aafa.org
Ask the Allergist: community.aafa.org/db/ask-the-allergist
Kids with Food Allergies Website: kidswithfoodallergies.org
Baby sign language is a way for all parents to improve early infant communication and communicate with children before they can speak. This website has free resources including videos, downloadable flash cards, and tutorials to help you start signing at home.
This non-profit organization has a lot of information about living with diabetes, mental health resources, food tips, recipes, school resources, teen issues, traveling with diabetes and much more. They advocate at a federal level for kids and families with diabetes. They have an online community and app, where teens can go online to share stories and interact with other teens in a safe and supportive environment. Snail Mail Club is a pen pal program for kids, teens, and adults with type 1 diabetes around the world. Beyond Scholars is a scholarship program for graduating high school seniors with diabetes to help cover the costs of tuition, books, room and board for postsecondary education. They also offer support groups for those who have lost a loved one to diabetes. GetInsulin.org has resources for urgent insulin support and navigating health insurance. Many of their resources are also available in Spanish.
400 Concar Drive, San Mateo, California 94402
Beyond Type 1 Website & App: beyondtype1.org
GetInsulin.org: getinsulin.org
Booklists for Kids with Type 1 Diabetes: beyondtype1.org/type-1-diabetes-childrens-books
Customizable ebook library for people with dyslexia, learning disabilities, visual impairments, physical disabilities, and other reading barriers. They operate under exception to US copyright law, allowing a huge collection of copyrighted titles to be made available for readers using a tablet, computer, assistive device, or smartphone. Schools and students can access for free, individuals/adults pay a yearly fee. Individuals must register as members and provide proof of qualifying disability. Find program details and register on their website.
(650) 352-0198
Serves: Children, teens, individuals, and families with ID/DD and/or behavioral health challenges.
Provides person-centered care to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and behavioral health challenges. They offer center and community-based behavioral health services, case management, long-term and temporary residential support, in-home and out-of-home respite services, and day programs. Healthcare services are available at Boundless Health in Worthington, Ohio. Boundless Health provides inclusive care for every age and family member, all in the same carefully-designed facility to support the unique needs of the I/DD community. Health services include behavioral health, primary care, and dentistry.
(800) 409-2729
Free literacy program for blind and low-vision children 0-8 years old. Families receive free Braille books, activities, birthday cards, and more. Fill out an application and learn about other resources from National Federation of the Blind online.
200 East Wells Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21230
(410) 659-9314
Offers free resources and programs to help Central Ohioians breathe better. The Lung Health Clinic offers free services regardless of income or health insurance. Clinic services include treatment for asthma, COPD and emphysema, diagnostic tests, and immunizations. They offer smoking and vaping cessation programs including nicotine replacement medications, Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialists, and classes for adults or teens. They help income-eligible families sign up for Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) to reduce utility bills. This program includes the Winter Crisis Program (Nov.-March), Summer Crisis Program (July-Sept.), and Percentage of Income Payment Program (PIPP Plus).
741 East Broad Street, Columbus, OH 43205
Main Office: (614) 457-4570
HEAP Outreach: (614) 566-0750
Provides important information and resources about living with Type 1 Diabetes. The website has articles about Type 1 Diabetes for the newly diagnosed, children, teens, and adults on topics including symptoms, treatment, research, parenting, and finding community. They have resource guides for managing costs and insurance, navigating pregnancy, childcare, and more. They also have an online community of people of all ages all over the world diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.
8035 Hosbrook Road, Cincinnati, OH 45236
(513) 793-3223
Resources for English Speakers: breakthrought1d.org/t1d-resources
Recursos en Español: breakthrought1d.org/es/recursos-dt1
Central Ohio Chapter: breakthrought1d.org/socentralohio
Serves individuals with Down Syndrome by providing engaging activities that help athletic, social, and emotional development. Athletes are partnered with volunteer Buddies to provide support, develop friendships, and reinforce the coaches’ instructions. Coaches are trained to implement the curriculum specifically created for athletes with Down Syndrome. Programs include tennis, pickleball, fitness, Zumba, and summer camp. The Columbus location offers a Life Skills program for students ages 14+ to learn skills like cooking, finance, and professional communication.
8000 Walton Parkway, New Albany, Ohio 43054
(614) 579-8808
Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD) provides personalized services to assist people who are Blind or have low vision in gaining and maintaining meaningful work and personal independence. Services are available for individuals over the age of 14. Services include individualized case planning, job training, job search and placement assistance, and work retraining for those in the process of losing their vision.
Columbus Vocational Rehabilitation Office: 4300 East Broad Street, Whitehall, Ohio 43213
(614) 466-4575 or (800) 282-4536
Find an OOD Office Near You: ood.ohio.gov/about-us/find+us/find-us
Provides free support for children who have a parent with a cancer diagnosis. Camp Kesem is a free, overnight summer camp experience for children ages 6-18 at various locations across the country. Club Kesem offers virtual monthly meet-ups for ages 6-18. They also offer individualized, year-round support services. Camp Kesem Columbus Chapter is based at The Ohio State University. Visit the website to find additional chapter locations and to register.
Columbus Camp Kesem Address: 81300 Stewart Rd, Tippecanoe, Ohio, 44699
National Kesem Phone: (253) 753-3821
Ohio Locations: kesem.org/chapters/ohio
Main Website: kesem.org
Offers free emotional support, education and hope for people with cancer. Provides a range of cancer wellness programs and services for patients of all ages, any diagnosis, any stage and their family members. Programs include free individual, family, and play therapy; educational workshops; cooking, exercise, and art classes; and support groups. Go online to find their event calendar and attend a Newcomer Welcome Orientation to get started.
1200 Old Henderson Road, Columbus, Ohio 43220
(614) 884-4673
Offers free summer camps and family retreat experiences for seriously ill children, in a safe, medically supervised environment. Medical care is provided by volunteer physicians and nurses coordinated by a full-time medical director. They provide camps for kids with asthma, cancer, cerebral palsy, diabetes, blood disorders, muscular dystrophy, sickle cell, spina bifida and more.
1501 Burnley Road, Scottsville, Kentucky 42164
(270) 618-2900
Nonprofit started by parents caring for children with Spina Bifida, COSBA offers support to new families, organized social gatherings, and helps with related financial needs. Visit the website for contact information.
Family resource group bringing people and families living with CP together to share information, resources, personal experience, advice, and support.
(614) 868-0146
Access tons of helpful information about Cerebral Palsy resources, accessibility, inclusion, and research through the Cerebral Palsy Foundation. They have a video library, fact sheets, a free app for families, and a resource website.
Cerebral Palsy Resource Website: cpresource.org
The Free CP Channel App: yourcpf.org/cpproduct/cp-channel
Cerebral Palsy Foundation Website: yourcpf.org
Provides a place for families affected by pediatric cancer to enjoy a private weekend of family time, for free. The ADA-compliant house is available to families with children in treatment for cancer or who have been in treatment within the past two years. Families can enjoy the Treehouse, Schoolhouse/Art Cabin, games, and golf course to explore the grounds. Reservations can be made online.
Mailing Address: PO Box 499, Prospect, Ohio 43342
(740) 360-4273
Serves: Families with children under the age of 6, children with autism or developmental delays
Early childhood educational services for children including toddler classes, preschool, and home visits. Their preschool program serves a 50:50 ratio of children both with and without developmental delays, a research-based approach aimed at creating inclusive communities. The PLAY Project is an evidence-based, parent-implemented autism intervention for young children. They offer home-based early intervention for children with delays from birth to age 3. The center also has educational resources for families, training opportunities for professionals, and community events. The school year program runs from September to May, but they accept referrals throughout the calendar year.
674 Cleveland Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43215
(614) 253-6933
New to Type 1 diabetes? Learn about the basics, including insulin, blood sugar management, traveling with diabetes, FAQs, medical devices, long-term treatments and much more. This is a very helpful online resource for parents of children with diabetes. Parents can connect with other parents, people with diabetes, and medical professionals for answers to their questions.
Their CLIMB Program is a free support program for children impacted by a loved one’s cancer diagnosis. Children learn about cancer and process their emotions through activities with a trained clinician and hands-on art and educational activities. Professionals can go online to request a CLIMB training or partnership. Families can visit the website and complete the online form to receive support resources for free. Families in Ohio can access the CLIMB program at Kettering Health Cancer Center in Kettering, Ohio.
3333 South Wadsworth Boulevard, Lakewood, Colorado 80227
(303) 322-1202
Kettering Health CLIMB: ketteringhealth.org/services/cancer-care/climb-program
Search the online directory to find information and condition-specific resources, arranged in alphabetical order by condition/diagnosis.
Free program through Columbus City Schools to support Deaf or Hard of Hearing students PreK-12. Works with central Ohio school districts to provide services such as access to extracurriculars and transportation to suit individual needs. Find enrollment details online.
(614) 365-5977
CML is an award-winning library and amazing resource in the community. With 23 locations throughout Franklin County, they provide a lot more than just books, including lots of free online resources, story times for kids, and community events. Programs include:
(614) 645-2275
Locations: columbuslibrary.org/library-locations
Events: events.columbuslibrary.org/events?
Program: Nonprofit providing occupational individual and group therapy, speech and hearing evaluations, audiology and hearing aid services, speech-language therapy sessions, community outreach programs, American Sign Language (ASL) classes for adults and youth ages 16 and older, and a Support Service Provider program.
Eligibility: Varies by program, serves young children (under the age of 6 years old) up to seniors (65 years old and older)
Cost: Varies by program; self pay and accept many insurances, including Caresource, Molina and Medicaid
Referral: Individuals may refer themselves or be referred by a physician or organization
(614) 263-5151
Check out the links below to learn more about the Cord Blood Banking and whether it is right for your family:
Helps families and providers caring for children with serious illness. The website offers educational videos and guides on topics related to grief and navigating hospice care. They also provide opportunities to connect with other families and providers, as well as provide advocacy resources and information related to pediatric palliative care. The information provided on the website is also available in Spanish. Visit the website for contact information.
Non-profit serving the Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and Deaf-Blind community. Services include ASL classes, C-Print, interpreting, case management, employment services, adaptive equipment programs, youth mentoring programs and summer camps, and early intervention services for ages 0-3 years old with a diagnosis of hearing loss.
Kids love summer camp, and kids with diabetes are no exception. Diabetes camps inspire confidence in children and others living with diabetes. They help children affected by diabetes lead healthier, happier and more productive lives through good diabetes management and fun. Use the website to search for camps by age, state, camp type, and diabetes type.
12557 New Brittany Boulevard, Fort Myers, Florida 33907
(239) 984-3554
Find a Camp: diabetescamps.org/find-a-camp
Co-founded and run by people with diabetes, DPAC educates and enriches members of the diabetes community on how to be advocates for themselves and their families through policy guides and a number of events. Go online to contact the organization or sign up for action alerts and news.
Advocates for people with disabilities in Ohio. Their website has helpful resources on abuse, neglect and exploitation, employment, benefits counseling, education, voting, and more. Rise Up is an interactive youth advocacy guide with resources for transitioning into adulthood. Most of their resources are available in multiple languages, including Spanish and Somali. Complete the online intake form for legal help.
200 Civic Center Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43215
(614) 466-7264 or (800) 282-9181
Rise Up guides: disabilityrightsohio.org/riseup
Intake Form: disabilityrightsohio.org/intake-form
People of Color (POC) living with diabetes experience a higher chance of being diagnosed with diabetes and being admitted to a hospital than non-Hispanic White Americans. This nonprofit organization is dedicated to creating awareness and providing solutions that address the lack of diversity in diabetes care and management that lead to differences in healthcare and poor health outcomes in individuals and communities of color. Go online for a care provider directory, helpful information about managing diabetes, support groups, and more.
Supports music therapy, research, and provides live music experiences for wounded veterans and children or adults with life-threatening illnesses. Nominate yourself of someone you know with the gift of attending a live music concert for free. Go online for eligibility details and contact information.
Offers financial assistance for families who need financial help due to their child’s medical needs. Includes help with utility/rent bills, meal expenses while at the hospital, gas expenses for travel to and from hospital or doctor visits, non-covered medical expenses, non-covered supplies that would aid the child in their treatment and funeral expenses related to the death of a child. Go online for additional contact information and to apply for assistance.
PO Box 1981, Pompano Beach, Florida 33061
(954) 857-9059
Focuses on research and funding, political advocacy and education to reduce health complications for people living with Down Syndrome. They also offer resources for parents who have a child with Down Syndrome. Visit the website or their Facebook page to receive DSA updates and news.
PO Box 1596, Dublin, Ohio 43017
(614) 362-3441
Offers resources, information, programs and services for families with Down Syndrome in Central Ohio. They have several support groups for parents, counseling services, and a financial assistance program. They have regular events for all ages, such as play groups, arts and recreation, and virtual cooking classes for people with Down Syndrome. You can also request a hospital care package or new parent package for a family through their website.
510 East North Broadway Suite 401, Columbus, Ohio 43214
(614) 263-6020
Creative stories and educational materials that bring families and kids together to learn about their health conditions. These free stories are science-backed self-care resources about Anxiety, Depression, Grief & Loss, PTSD, Social-Emotional Health, and Type 1 Diabetes. Resources include video shorts, printable activity sheets,
Main Website: drawnfromvalor.org
For Children with Diabetes: Kara & The Not So Dire Beastie
For Children Experiencing Depression or Anxiety: Empowernauts
Healthcare providers can refer their patients, from ages 3-18 who have a chronic illness or disorder, to this national program which offers to help make a child’s dream/wish come true.
PO Box 1674, Chillicothe, Ohio, 45601
(740) 542-1254
Serves Ohio’s Deaf, Deaf Blind, Deaf Disabled, and Hard of Hearing communities by offering culturally affirmative services in response to relationship and sexual violence. Call to speak to a trained advocate for individualized safety planning and case management. Referrals can be placed for material help, legal help, social services, and mental health counseling. They offer 24-hour advocacy for survivors of sexual assault at local hospital emergency rooms. They also hold trainings for volunteer advocates, professionals/providers working with Deaf clients, and Deaf Culture 101.
PO Box 1286, Worthington, Ohio 43085
Videophone: (614) 678-5476
Voice/Text: (614) 887-7233
National Deaf Hotline VP: (855) 812-1001
National 24/7 Domestic Violence Hotline Voice: (800) 799-7233
Serves: children and adults with developmental disabilities
Provides comprehensive health services for children and adults living with disabilities. Services include early childhood education, adult day services, in-home care, referral services, and outpatient therapies. They also offer afterschool programs and summer day camps for children.
Serve those living with epilepsy and seizures, as well as their families and caregivers. They offer counseling services, art therapy, scholarships, summer camps, residential group homes, virtual and in-person support groups, referrals to community resources, community education, and more. Their website also has helpful information about understanding epilepsy and joining clinical trials.
Provides in-depth information and resources for people living with epilepsy. The Epilepsy & Seizure Hotline is also offered 24-hours for information and referrals to support. They have free, online courses for individuals and professionals on topics like Seizure Safety and Navigating the Workplace with Epilepsy. You can also find information on help paying for prescriptions, clinical trials and research, camps and family programming, support groups, and more.
3540 Crain Highway, Bowie, Maryland 20716
Technical Support: (800) 332-1000
24/7 Epilepsy & Seizures Helpline: (800) 332-1000 or (866) 748-8008 for Español
Legal Defense Fund through the Epilepsy Foundation, to help end epilepsy-related discrimination. Their Attorney Network is made of experience attorneys who have agreed to provide some level of free legal services. They can help with cases related to employment, education, public accommodations, police and first responder services, housing, healthcare, and criminal justice. Go online to complete an Application for Assistance.
(800) 332-1000
Application for Assistance: epilepsy.com/forms/application
Provides a list of accessible dining, transportation, activities, hotels and other resources in and around Columbus that have been reviewed by disability inclusion experts. For specific questions about accessibility at a particular location, contact the location (or source of transportation) for the most up-to-date details.
(614) 221-6623
Provides resources, tools, and trainings to help individuals and families of individuals with developmental disabilities. Their website has database of programs and organizations across Ohio for helpful products, therapy, schools, legal help, clinical trials, and more. They use Charting the LifeCourse principals to help individuals and families of all abilities and ages develop a vision for a good life, and regular LifeCourse trainings are available for families and professionals.
The Ohio State University Nisonger Center
1581 Dodd Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43210
Family Resource Coordinator: (614) 293-2134
Family Support Coordinator: (513) 636-4723
Provides counseling and community based social services in Southwestern Ohio. Services include:
2211 Arbor Boulevard, Dayton, Ohio 45439
(937) 222-9481
Video Phone: (937) 641-8187
24/7 Interpreting Services: (937) 640-8032
A medical specialty camp providing transformative experiences for children with serious illnesses and their families, free of charge. Campers range from 7-21 years old and have diagnoses including cancer, heart conditions, rheumatologic diagnoses, blood disorders, lung conditions, gastrointestinal disorders, craniofacial diagnoses, spinal cord diagnoses, and mental health conditions. Campers are given the opportunity to embrace new experiences like exploring the ropes course, archery, and swimming. Professionals can find opportunities to volunteer as camp counselors, kitchen crew, and medical and psychosocial team members. Families must visit the website and apply to attend camp.
5260 State Route 95, Mount Gilead, Ohio 43338
(419) 751-7077
Supports people who have been diagnosed with celiac disease or gluten intolerance, and their families. Go on Facebook to join their private support group. Their website has helpful information on celiac disease diagnosis and treatment, a list of Dietitians in Ohio, recipes, and tips for travel and restaurants.
Website: glutenfreegang.org
Facebook Group: facebook.com/groups/320392650815
Offers several accessibility programs in the Miami Valley, Ohio area. The Medical Equipment Loan program lends assistive-living medical equipment to anyone in need, free of charge. Wheelchairs, commodes, walkers, crutches, and more may be available. Visit the website to complete a request form. Vision services include cane training, basic navigation, workplace accessibility, and computer-assisted software for reading. They also offer adult day programs, job coaching, and a radio reading service.
660 South Main Street, Dayton, Ohio 45402
(937) 461-4800
TTY: (937) 226-0356
VRS: (937) 641-8136
This website database lists school ratings and reviews, and provides practical information on raising college-ready kids. Use the website to search for schools by city across the country, compare schools, and see how schools rank based on test scores, equity, and more. The E-ssential Guide to Assistive Technology provides an overview of current technologies to help parents select the right tools for children with learning disabilities.
The websites below offer helpful health information from reputable sources on topics such as healthy lifestyle, diseases, prevention, and treatment.
This online resource offers information about hearing and hearing loss, and a national clinic directory to help you find a provider near you. They also have an online hearing test and lots of information on topics like hearing loss in children, various hearing diagnoses, assistive listening devices, and navigating insurance and financial help.
(800) 567-1692
A free kid-friendly short film series covering a wide range of cancer-related topics, including topics like defining cancer itself to chemotherapy, shots, surgery, and MRIs. The videos are offered in English and Spanish.
The American Optometric Association provides free eye exams for infants between 6 and 12 months of age regardless of a family’s income or access to insurance coverage. Use the Find a Doctor tool on their website to find a participating provider near you.
(314) 983-4160
Find a Doctor: infantsee.org/find-a-doctor?sso=y
Offers free guidance on workplace accommodations and disability employment issues. JAN consultants offer one-on-one guidance on workplace accommodations, ADA and related legislation, and self-employment and entrepreneurship options for people with disabilities. Assistance is available both over the phone and online. Their website also has helpful information on a wide range of medical conditions with related resources and accommodations.
Voice: (800) 526-7234
TTY: (877) 781-9403
Text: (304) 216-8189
This non-profit provides meaningful employment for individuals who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. They hire and train individuals who are deaf to handcraft T-shirt quilts, blankets, and pillows in an ASL-immersive work environment. They also use leftover materials to craft blankets for people without homes. Anyone can purchase their beautifully crafted items online.
563 South Dawson Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43209
(614) 238-3323 or (614) 388-9630 VP
Offers tons of educational information to help families learn how to keep children with food allergies safe and healthy. Visit the website to find information on diagnosis and treatment, allergy-friendly recipes, food allergen labeling, avoiding cross-contamination, and more. They also have tools for healthcare providers and resources for research and advocacy.
SafeEats Allergy-Friendly Recipes: kidswithfoodallergies.org/recipes-diet.aspx
Federally-funded program through Gallaudet University advocating for Deaf and Hard of Hearing students. Their website has lots of helpful guides and training videos for parents and professionals on topics like language development, reading to Deaf children, and early intervention. Call the Gallaudet University East Regional Center for help finding professional development and educational opportunities for Deaf and Hard of Hearing students.
East Regional Center: (978) 556-3701 or Video Phone (978) 241-7417
Serves people who have been affected by blood cancers: leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma. Their website has lots of resources for financial support, clinical trials, support groups, and tips for managing diagnoses and treatments. Their phone line is staffed with Information Specialists, trained oncology social workers and nurses who can help answer questions about treatment, financial and social challenges Monday-Friday.
Ohio River Valley Chapter: 9378 South Mason Montgomery Road, Mason, Ohio 45040
(513) 698-2828
Information Specialists: (800) 955-4572
National website: lls.org
Agency in Central Ohio with comprehensive health programs for seniors, individuals with disabilities, and families. They operate in Franklin, Champaign, Logan, Marion, and Madison counties. Individuals can be referred by a professional or refer themselves by completing the online referral form. Programs in Franklin County include:
Administrative Office, Travel Vaccines & Wellness Services: 1699 West Mound Street, Columbus, Ohio 43223
(614) 278-3130
Carrie’s Cafe & Senior Nutrition Programs: 670 Harmon Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43223
(614) 437-2987
Offers services for Central Ohio families managing diabetes including education and counseling, medical nutrition therapy, and wellness checks with registered nurses at their community center locations. They accept Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurance with no direct cost to patients. They also offer free testing supplies for those needing assistance, and accept donations for supplies. Camp Hamwi offers fun, outdoor summer camp experiences for youth ages 7-17 with diabetes. Camp fees are low and scholarships are available for families who qualify based on income.
1699 West Mound Street, Columbus, Ohio 43223
Diabetes Services: 614-437-2912
Camp Hamwi: 614-437-2914
Locations: lifecarealliance.org/programs/wellness/wellness-centers
Provides reconstructive surgery for children under the age of 21 born with facial deformities that reduce their quality of life, regardless of race, religion, or ability to pay. Surgeries are performed by highly skilled medical staff in New York City. Families fill out an application online, and if selected, a surgical coordinator works with families to coordinate travel and other arrangements. The organization covers all costs of accommodations, surgery, and travel.
135 East 74th Street, New York, New York 10021
(212) 333-5233
Provides resources and advocacy for those affected by cancer, including patients, loved ones, friends, healthcare professionals and caregivers. The website Resource Center has lots of helpful information for patients, survivors, and loved ones on topics from cancer basics to lifestyle to navigating health insurance.
General inquires: (877) 236-8820
A wish-granting organization for children born with facial differences to empower children facing appearance-related stigma. Children must be ages 3-18 with a congenital or acquired facial difference to be eligible. Parents/caregivers, family members, medical professionals, teachers, or counselors can visit the website to nominate a child. Children are selected based on their story, the requested magical moment, and the potential impact of their magical moment. The organization does not provide funds for medical care, equipment, vehicles, pets, or theme park vacations.
PO Box 3394, Dublin, Ohio 43016
(614) 427-3036
Grants wishes for children diagnosed with critical illnesses. Children must be between the ages of 2-18 and not have received a wish from another wish-granting organization. Parents, family members, and professionals can refer a child by completing the form on their website.
Chapter website: wish.org/oki
National website: wish.org
A non-profit, volunteer organization that creates or modifies adaptive devices for individuals with disabilities whose needs cannot be met by a commercially available device. Devices are provided for free. They also accept donated equipment and offer help finding adaptive equipment. Visit the website and complete the Request Help form to get started.
7501 Wooster Pike, Cincinnati, Ohio 45227
(513) 834-6443
Provides free adaptive bikes to children and young adults with conditions like Spina Bifida, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, Hydrocephalus, Autism, and more. Families may contact the organization directly to start the application process, which includes an application, interview, and letter from the family’s therapist. Wait times vary by state.
8305 Tom Drive, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70815
(225) 456-3505
The following agencies offer assistance with medical and special needs equipment and should be contacted directly for further details. Please remember to research consumer information about any piece of furniture to ensure the item has not been placed on any product recall list.
Provides non-emergency, long-distance ground transportation for patients traveling for treatment. Patients must be ambulatory and meet income guidelines. Patients may receive gas cards, bus, train, or airline tickets. Trips within a local area or community is typically not handled, but exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis. Visit the website for contact information.
101 West Main Street, Norfolk, Virginia 23510
Works with patients and healthcare providers to help improve access to genetic services for medically underserved populations and those with genetic conditions. Use the Find a Genetic Service page on their website to search for care providers by zip code. The Journey Through Diagnosis website and app provides a detailed guide for families on coping with emotions related to a genetic diagnosis, accessing medical care and support services, navigating insurance, and more.
MORPC is responsible for the Central Ohio region’s transportation planning process. Visit the website to find information on current policy updates, find a community forum, information for bicycle commuters, find home weatherization programs, and sign up for Air Quality alerts by email or text to stay informed when pollution levels are high. The commission also offers consulting services for local communities to navigate zoning codes and long-term development activities.
111 Liberty Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215
Main Office: (614) 228-2663
Home Repair & Energy Efficiency Services: (614) 621-1171
Main Website: morpc.org
Sign Up for Air Quality Alerts: mailchi.mp/1d5b539be321/air_alerts
Columbus Metro Bike User Map: public-morpc.hub.arcgis.com/apps/38c3354989eb436184e41803fcabda7d/explore
Community health and wellness center providing free holistic health and wellness programs in an inclusive space. Programs include cooking and nutrition, diabetes prevention, exercise classes, wellness and stress management, financial education, healthy babies, and mom support groups. The Cooking Demo & Discussion Course includes a live cooking demo, sample of the recipe, meal kit, and entry for a free kitchen appliance for attendees who make the recipe at home. Go online to find healthy recipes, program descriptions, and to register for a program.
(614) 234-4660
777 West State Street, Columbus, Ohio 43222
Serves people living with muscular dystrophy, ALS, and related neuromuscular diseases. The website has information treatments, clinical studies, college scholarships, and a searchable directory to find care providers across the country. They host an annual summer camp for kids and young adults with neuromuscular disease at no cost to families, with in-person and virtual options. Families can call the Resource Center for one-to-one support and help finding resources.
1016 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois 60607
Corporate Office: (800) 572-1717
Resource Center: (833) 275-6321
Helps individuals and families impacted by rare diseases and provides information in English and Spanish. Use the State Resource Center to find free and low-cost programs by state. They have several financial assistance programs to help cover costs of life-saving medication, caregiver aid or respite care, and educational support. The NORD Support Helpline offers help accessing programs from an Information and Resource Services team member. They also have information on joining a clinical trial or study.
NORD Support Helpline: (800) 999-6673
Español: (844) 259-7178
Civil rights organization by and for Deaf and Hard of Hearing people. Their website has great resources including a national ASL directory, advocacy letter tips and templates, filing a complaint, employment and fair housing information, and regular webinars.
8630 Fenton Street, Silver Spring, Maryland 20910
(301) 587-1788 Voice/VP or (301) 587-1789 TTY
Families and school personnel who have at least one student with a disability can sign up for free membership to access the media center, which has tons of great described and captioned videos with ASL pop-up tools for an accessible media experience. Topics include Deaf life, literature, art classes, science documentaries, and more. Their website also has great educational tools for parents and educators.
(864) 585-1778 or (800) 237-6213
A network of projects for children and youth under 21 with Deafblindness. Find tons of information for families and professionals on assessment, education and learning, life skills, transition planning, and more. They also host Family to Family support groups, webinars, and nationwide events.
(516) 366-0047
Español: nationaldb.org/for-families/learning-resources/recursos-para-familias
Offers information for new parents and professionals, speech and language resources, health care information, education, behavior tips and more.
30 Mansell Court, Roswell, Georgia 30076
(800) 232-6372
Their website provides lots of great resources and information about Down syndrome throughout the lifespan. They offer regular webinars and family programs, multiple scholarships, and more.
1155 Fifteenth Street Northwest, Washington D.C. 20005
(800) 221-4602
Non-profit and advocacy organization serving families of individuals who are DeafBlind. Find information on legislation, resources for families, family Facebook group, and events online.
(800) 255-0411
Membership and advocacy organization of blind people, with chapters in each state. Their website has many resources for blind people, parents, and educators. Programs include the following, find specific application forms and requirements on their website:
PO Box 20544, Dayton, OH 45420
Ohio: (937) 829-3368
National: (410) 659-9314
Their website is a great source of information on diabetes, treatments, and lifestyle topics. The website is available in English and Spanish. Information Specialists are available to answer questions from patients, family members, and healthcare providers through phone or online chat.
(800) 860-8747
This booklet is a helpful resource on identifying signs of bipolar disorder in children, and how to support children with a diagnosis. The NIMH website has great educational resources for parents, an online treatment locator, and information on joining a research study.
NIMH Resource Center: (866) 615-6464
Serves those who have been, or know someone that is, diagnosed with kidney disease. They provide educational materials and resources on the website about kidney disease, treatment options, transplantations, and up-to-date information for professionals. They also offer peer support groups, tools to find a provider near you, and help joining a research study. NFK Central Ohio also provides community education and shares knowledge of kidney disease with Columbus residents.
1491 Polaris Parkway Box 268, Columbus, Ohio, 43240
(614) 882-6184
A free library program for people with low vision, blindness, or are otherwise print disabled. NLS circulates free books and magazines in Braille or audio formats, delivered by postage-free mail or the Braille Audio Reading Download (BARD) app. Their Kids Catalog has fun books and magazines for kids. Fill out the Information Request form to get started.
(888) 657-7323
Provides individualized treatment for children, adolescents, and young adults with physical disabilities. Services include injury evaluation, rehabilitation, and adaptive athletic training.
Dublin Sports Medicine and Orthopedic Center
5680 Venture Drive, Dublin, Ohio 43017
(614) 355-6000
Offers diagnosis and treatment of allergic diseases for patients ages 0-21. The clinic’s expansive range of services includes allergy consultations, allergy shots, comprehensive asthma management plans, skin testing, and more. The website provides informational videos and resources on asthma and allergies.
To Schedule an Appointment: (614) 722-6200
Allergy Clinics: (614) 722-5500
Main Website: nationwidechildrens.org/allergy-immunology
Click for Allergy & Asthma Educational Resources
Click for Asthma Program Educational Booklet & Resources
Home-visiting program designed to assist patients and caregivers in understanding and managing asthma. Nurses come to your home every 1-2 weeks and perform a physical assessment, determine environmental triggers, review medications and provide education. Staff are on call 24/7 to answer questions from enrolled patients and families. A referral from a healthcare provider is required for the program. Services are available in Delaware, Fairfield, Fayette, Franklin, Licking, Madison, Pickaway, Ross, and Union counties.
700 Children’s Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43205
(614) 355-1100
Devoted to children and adolescents with cerebral palsy. Families can see a variety of specialists in one clinic visit. Testing, such as x-rays or lab work, is available as needed. Families are linked with medical, educational, social and financial resources in the community as needed. The website also provides resource listings.
479 Parsons Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43215
700 Children’s Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43205
Referral: (614) 722-5136
Visit the websites below to find listings of clinical research studies at Nationwide Children’s Hospital currently recruiting participants. Current research topics include 22q deletion syndrome, behavioral health, cancer, endocrinology, gene therapy, immunology, kidney disease, trauma, speech language pathology, and more.
700 Children’s Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43205
(614) 722-2650
Research Match: researchmatch.org
Nationwide Children’s: nationwidechildrens.org/research/clinical-research
A hospital-wide family-to-family (peer-to-peer) mentor program. Connecting Families reaches patients of all diagnoses to link them with a family who has been through similar treatments or life situations. Visit the website to apply as a mentor or mentee.
700 Children’s Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43205
(614) 722-6747
Provides developmental assessment and treatment services for children under the age of 21 with developmental, emotional, or behavioral concerns. Their team of certified Developmental Behavioral Pediatricians, Nurse Practitioners, and Psychologists can help coordinate services with families, schools, community organizations, and other healthcare providers to meet the individual needs of your child. Developmental evaluations are offered at the Livingston Ambulatory Clinic in downtown Columbus. Additional specialty services such as the Down Syndrome, Williams Syndrome, Spina Bifida, Autism, and Behavioral Health clinics may be offered at their locations downtown or at the Child Development Center in Westerville, Ohio.
Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics Clinic: 380 Butterfly Gardens Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43215
(614) 722-4050
Child Development Center: 187 West Schrock Road, Westerville, Ohio 43081
Provides diagnostic and treatment services to children and adolescents with Down syndrome and their families. Families are linked with medical, educational, social and financial supports in their communities to help meet the unique needs of their child.
700 Children’s Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43205
(614) 722-4050
Offers a range of free and low cost classes for children, teens, adults and parents of infants and kids of all ages and abilities. Find courses on everything from babysitting and parenting to CPR training, autism and diabetes. Visit the website for a full list of classes. Some classes offered are:
700 Children’s Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43205
(614) 355-0662
Offers care for children and teens with diabetes and other endocrine system conditions, including specialized care for adrenal disorders, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, growth disorders, 22q deletion syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, and Turner syndrome. Call or go online to schedule an appointment.
700 Children’s Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43205
(614) 722-4425
Level-4 Epilepsy Program providing comprehensive pediatric epilepsy care. Provides neurodiagnostic evaluations and monitoring, and extensive medical, neuropsychological and psychosocial treatment for children and adolescents with epilepsy.
700 Children’s Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43205
(614) 722-4625 or (614) 722-6200
Offers supportive services for families at Nationwide Children’s Hospital during their visit. The Family Resource Center includes a lounge, breastfeeding room, kitchen, shower, laundry facilities, and computer station for families. Programs for parents include informational sessions, haircuts, massages, and grocery trips. Visit the Center or call for more information.
700 Children’s Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43205
(614) 722-2252
A free, monthly e-newsletter written by pediatric specialists. Sign up to get expert insights on trending wellness topics straight to your inbox.
Offers educational materials for parents and caregivers from pediatric experts. Helping Hands are easy-to-read articles on topics including health conditions, caring for medical equipment at home, behavior support, medical tests, and caring for newborns. Visit the Conditions We Treat page for even more information on health conditions A-Z and how to get treatment.
Helping Hands: nationwidechildrens.org/helping-hands
Conditions We Treat: nationwidechildrens.org/conditions
Provides comprehensive services for children with hearing loss, including diagnostic assessment, early intervention, audiology, and specialized speech services. A multidisciplinary team of pediatric professionals works with families to assess the child’s needs and determine appropriate treatment. Additional Support Services are available for children under 3 years old with sensorineural hearing loss. They also offer regular Hearing Team Education, a series of educational presentations, and Hearing Loss Support Groups for parents, caregivers, and teens.
555 South Eighteenth Street, Columbus, Ohio 43205
Main Office and Referral: (614) 722-6200
Support Services: (614) 722-2441
Support Groups: (614) 722-3049
Provides diagnosis, treatment and long-term management for pediatric and adolescent patients with cancer and blood disorders. Services include psychosocial support, blood and bone marrow transplant, hematology, oncology, neuro-oncology, research, and clinical trials. Visit the website and complete the Speak With Our Team form to get started.
700 Children’s Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43205
Provides a full range of homecare services to Central Ohio children of all ages, from newborns through young adults. Homecare offers the following areas of service:
255 East Main Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215
(614) 355-1100
Provides developmental occupational therapy (OT), speech and language therapy, and physical therapy (PT) services. Services are provided at the main hospital and at many clinic locations throughout the community, for children from birth to age 21.
700 Children’s Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43205
(614) 722-2200
Occupational Therapy: nationwidechildrens.org/specialties/occupational-therapy
Speech Pathology: nationwidechildrens.org/specialties/speech-pathology
Physical Therapy: nationwidechildrens.org/specialties/physical-therapy
Offers routine and advanced eye care for children ages birth to 21 years old. They accept most insurance plans, including Medicaid, Caresource, and Molina. They also offer financial assistance programs, including payment based on income (sliding scale), for those who qualify based on family size and income.
Nationwide Children’s Outpatient Care Center: 555 South Eighteenth Street, Columbus, Ohio 43205
(614) 722-4075
Specializes in the diagnosis and management of children with physically disabling conditions. Services include wheelchair and seating evaluations, prosthetic evaluations, spasticity management, electrodiagnosis, and more.
700 Children’s Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43205
Cerebral Palsy Clinic: (614) 722-5136
Myelomeningocele Clinic: (614) 722-5775
Botox, Concussion, Electrodiagnostic, Physical Medicine, and Seating Clinics: (614) 722-5050
Pulmonary specialists diagnose, treat, and research a wide range of respiratory disorders, including asthma, cystic fibrosis, lung disease, and lung transplant. The Sleep Disorders Center diagnosis and treats infants, children, and adolescents with sleep problems. Visit the website to find programs and clinic locations, and helpful information from medical experts.
700 Children’s Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43205
Pulmonary Medicine: (614) 722-4766
Schedule an Appointment: (614) 722-6200
Provides comprehensive, long-term treatment services to children with spinal abnormalities. Children may be served by a variety of specialists, including Developmental Pediatrics, Neuropsychology, Genetics, Occupational Therapy, Social Work, and more.
555 South Eighteenth Street, Columbus, Ohio 43205
(614) 722-5725
Support groups at NCH can connect you with other families and resources in your time of need. Call for more information about program specifics. Not all programs are listed online, call Case Management Team if you are interested in finding a group that suits your family’s needs.
700 Children’s Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43205
Case Management Team: (614) 722-6300
Teenagers face many confusing life transitions, including transitioning from pediatric care to adult healthcare. This transition is especially important for individuals with chronic health conditions. NCH has several programs to help educate and support families with transitional care:
Provides care for children with celiac disease and their families through diagnosis, education, and ongoing interdisciplinary care. Visit the website for educational resources on celiac disease from medical experts. They also host the annual Celiac Conference for families and medical professionals.
700 Children’s Drive Columbus, Ohio 43205
(614) 722-3450
Provides additional access to healthcare at your child’s school. The services provided are not meant to replace your pediatrician or family doctor. Care Connection programs include: Primary Care for ages 0-21, vaccination clinics, School-Based Asthma Therapy (SBAT), Wheelchair Clinic, Vision, Dental, Diabetes and School Health (DASH), Mental Health counseling. They accept most private insurances, Medicaid, and financial assistance program for qualifying families. No child is turned away for inability to pay for services. Visit the website for a list of participating school locations and additional contact information.
(614) 355-2590
Offers support for Ohio families impacted by a pediatric cancer diagnosis. They offer financial support for families to use towards rent or mortgage, utility bills, gas, or groceries. They also offer help with creating customized family experiences, care packages, and host fun events throughout the year. Families must register as a NC4K family to receive services, registration is free. Visit the website to register and complete a help request form.
374 Morrison Road, Columbus, Ohio 43213
(614) 300-3995
This website from Nemours Children’s Health offers tons of important health information for kids, teens, and their parents. Kids can find fun videos on how the body works and approachable answers to questions like, how do casts work? The Teen website covers topics like depression, sexual health, smoking, coping with cliques, binge drinking, body image and much more. Parents can find medically-reviewed articles on how vaccines work, how to choose a car seat, developmental milestones, supporting kids’ emotional wellbeing, healthy eating, and more. Educators can also find free health-related lesson plans for PreK-12.
Kids: kidshealth.org/en/kids
Teens: kidshealth.org/en/teens
Parents: kidshealth.org/en/parents
Produced by and for individuals who are blind or visually impaired, Newsreel Magazine is a two-way audio publication that contains news, supportive articles, information, and entertainment. Magazine subscribers submit various articles and self recorded audio clips that are featured in the monthly three hour audio magazine. Membership is $20 per year and provides access to the publication as mp3 files.
5 East Long Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215
(614) 469-0700 or (888) 723-8737
Community-based book club program for adolescents and adults with Down Syndrome, Autism, Cerebral Palsy and other intellectual and developmental disabilities. A small group meets with trained facilitators at bookstores, cafés, and public libraries throughout Franklin County. Anyone can participate, whatever their reading or ability level. Members experience an inclusive community focused on reading to learn together and build friendships, rather than learning to read.
1581 Dodd Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43210
(614) 685-6718
Franklin County: nisonger.osu.edu/adolescent/adolescent-clinics-services/next-chapter-book-club
National Website: nextchapterbookclub.org
Serves: Infants, school-aged children, teens, and adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities.
The Nisonger Center has a variety of programs for individuals with developmental disabilities, including Down syndrome and autism spectrum disorders. Services include developmental/diagnostic evaluations, clinical support services, specialized dental programs, inclusive childcare and early childhood education, social programs for teens, TOPS post-secondary education and transitional skills program for adult students at OSU, psychiatric services, and more. They accept all major insurances, Medicaid, Board of DD Waivers, and offer a sliding scale for payment. Scholarships and fee arrangements are available for some programs. Contact the center for program details and eligibility.
1581 Dodd Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43210
Administration: (614) 685-3192 or (855) 983-9955
Organization advancing treatment and research for life-threatening blood cancers. Anyone ages 18-40 can join their online donor registry to potentially save a life through bone marrow transplant or cord blood donation. Their website has comprehensive resources for patients and families going through the transplant process.
General Questions: (800) 627-7692
Patient Support Center: (888) 999-6743 or (763) 406-3410
Provides resources and support for families affected by an omphalocele diagnosis. They offer virtual support groups for parents and an online community map to help families connect and know they’re not alone. They also host educational webinars and mail educational materials to families or medical professionals for free. The Car Seat Pass Down Program provides Jefferson Car Seats and Hope Car Beds for families who otherwise could not afford these medical devices. Families can also apply for O Warrior Grants for financial assistance to help with costs associated with medical care, long distance travel, or special living arrangements. The O Angel Program offers free keepsakes for mothers of who have lost a child to remember their O Angel babies. Visit the website for program applications or to contact the organization directly.
Connects individuals with disabilities to community resources, advocates for inclusive public policy, and provides training opportunities for professionals. They publish an Autism parent guide that includes topics such as screening and diagnosis, accessing educational services, and future planning. Their website has many helpful resources, including the Autism Center, Outreach Center for Deafness and Blindness, Lifespan Transitions, Assistive Technology, Teaching Diverse Learners, Family and Community Outreach, and Young Child Center.
470 Glenmont Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43214
(614) 410-0321
OCALI Contact Directory: ocali.org/project/learn_about_OCALI/page/contact_OCALI
Statewide nonprofit organization serving educators, agencies, and families of infants, toddlers, children and youth with disabilities in Ohio. Programs include 1:1 reading mentoring, It’s My Turn free online self-advocacy course for middle and high schoolers, Family-to-Family meetings for parents of Deaf and Hard of Hearing children, and parent mentoring. Families and professionals can find helpful trainings, videos, and tipsheets on their website. Call your county’s Information Specialist for help getting connected to resources in your area.
125 Executive Drive, Marion, Ohio 43302
(844) 382-5452
Information Specialist Directory (Click on your County): filecabinet5.eschoolview.com/7132D93C-113A-42DB-AD9B-3D42946C44E5/effd8e8a-ebbd-4eb0-8dea-6fee64aba5a4.pdf
Main Website: ocecd.org
Ohio Medicaid waivers help eligible customers with disabilities or chronic health conditions pay for healthcare costs and access care at home or in the community rather than a long-term care facility. Covered services may include personal care, transportation, respite services, supported employment, nutrition services, assistive devices, home modifications and interpreter services. Each state has its own waiver program has its own programs with different eligibility requirements, and there is typically a waiting list. Contact your local Board of Developmental Disabilities or Department of Job and Family Services to start the waiver application process.
Job & Family Services Offices: cap4kids.org/columbus/franklin-county-jfs
County Boards of Developmental Disabilities Offices: cap4kids.org/columbus/department-of-developmental-disabilities
Franklin County Board of Developmental Disabilities Service Coordination Department: (614) 464-2743
Franklin County Job and Family Services: (844) 640-6446
Ohio Medicaid Consumer Hotline: (800) 324-8680
The Department of Developmental Disabilities is a statewide system of supports and services for people with developmental disabilities, and their families. Each county in Ohio has its own Board of Developmental Disabilities, which is the place to start for determining eligibility, assessing your needs, and coordinating which services can best support you. Their offices can help you with early intervention programs, healthcare services, waivers and scholarships, job training and employment, unusual incident reporting, and more.
Allows library members to go online and download a wide variety of popular book titles in eBook and audio format. They have curated collections such as Deaf Culture and ASL, New Adult Readers, Teens, and more. Visit the website to see if your library participates, and sign in using your library card or Student ID.
State Library of Ohio
274 East First Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43201
(614) 644-7061
Provides free services that enable people who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, DeafBlind or those with a Speech Disability to place and receive phone calls. Calls can be made to anyone, anywhere in the world, 24/7. Communication assistants are specially trained to facilitate the calls, and all calls are completely confidential. Find Voice/telephone numbers below, and specific numbers depending on the assistive device at the link.
Voice Call: 711 or (800) 750-0750
Customer Service: 800-676-3777 (TTY/Voice)
Español: (888) 269-0678
Provides support and education to Ohio’s Deaf and Hard of Hearing students PreK-12. Students with an IEP are eligible at no cost. Students are educated at OSD as the district of service, but remain a student of their home district. The home district must request placement for a student to attend. OSD offers year-round after school programs, summer programs, 4Plus transition/career readiness program, family events, and more.
500 Morse Road, Columbus, Ohio 43214
(614) 728-4030
The first public school for the blind in the U.S., dedicated to the education of students with visual impairments, including those with multiple disabilities. They offer K-12 education, extracurriculars and athletics, residential programs, and a transitional postsecondary program for young adults to receive social and vocational training after high school (EDGE). Contact them for enrollment information.
5220 North High Street, Columbus Ohio, 43214
(800) 310-3317
Provides grants to help cover clinical, equipment, displacement, and vehicle modification costs related to children’s healthcare needs. They also provide Care Kits with age-appropriate personal care and comfort items for children going through life challenges such as foster care. Requests can be made through their website.
(816) 201-1569
This resource through OCALI works to increase access and equity for students, families, and communities impacted by deafness or blindness. Families can find helpful information on medical conditions, adaptive sports and recreation, parent mentoring programs, and more. Professionals can find educational resources, learn from those with lived experience, and find CEU trainings.
470 Glenmont Avenue, Columbus Ohio 43214
(614) 410-0380
Assists families with critically and terminally ill children so they can remain together during hospitalizations and treatments. They award funding to pay for past due mortgages, rent, and utilities. Applications for assistance must be completed through the child’s medical team. Social Workers may also apply for HUG Bags care packages for children at home or in the hospital. Visit their website for eligibility requirements and program details.
Office: 3972 Brown Park Drive, Hilliard, Ohio 42026
Mailing Address: PO Box 153, Hilliard, Ohio 43026
(614) 946-7544
Resource hub for parents, families, and professionals focused on fostering literacy skills in blind and visually impaired children. Browse their website to find helpful information, fun family activities to try, curriculum ideas, helpful apps, and more.
Provides free meals, transportation to appointments, housecleaning, and peer support for those fighting breast and gynecological cancers. They serve patients with any stage of cancer with no age or income restrictions. In Ohio, they serve the Dayton, Columbus, and Cincinnati areas. Visit the website to Request Services.
350 Huls Drive, Dayton, Ohio 45315
(877) 269-5367
Find information about Down Syndrome and other prenatally-diagnosed conditions for expectant parents and new parents:
Provides outreach and education designed to connect those in need to critical sight-saving resources. They partner with care providers to offer free vision screenings, and glasses for children or adults that meet income eligibility requirements. Call for help finding a free vision screening near you. Their website also has great educational information on many eye conditions, how to properly wear and care for glasses and contacts, developing babies’ eyesight, and more.
Ohio Affiliate of Prevent Blindness
1500 West Third Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43212
(614) 464-2020 or (800) 301-2020
Project ADAM (Automated Defibrillators in Adam’s Memory) helps schools across the country implement life-saving programs to make automated external defibrillators (AEDs) readily available. They help prepare schools and communities for cardiac emergencies through advocacy, CPR and AED training, and sudden cardiac arrest education. Visit the website for checklists and tools to make your school, sport, or community program Heart Safe.
Nationwide Children’s Hospital: nationwidechildrens.org/project-adam
National Website: projectadam.com/Adam
Online resource directory supporting families and children with life challenges, disabilities, and healthcare needs from prenatal to age 25. The website helps families find resources and organizations to meet their specific needs and challenges. Users can customize profiles by location (counties within Ohio), age ranges, medical conditions, and topics of interest.
Volunteers and patients can use this free website to enroll in research studies at top medical centers across the country, including Nationwide Children’s Hospital. Anyone can create a free profile to help get matched to a research study or clinical trial. Visit the website for more information.
Provides safety beds and solutions to improve quality of life for children and adults with disabilities, whether at home or traveling. Families can go online to order a permanent bed, travel bed, and other safety items. The beds are Medicaid-approved in Ohio. The company accepts insurance and provides liaison services to coordinate care between your physician and insurance. Their in-house physical therapist can assist with Letter of Medical Necessity if needed.
Call or Text: (614) 602-5196
Program Brochure
Website: safeplacebedding.com
Assists people of all ages with all types of disabilities to live more independently. The majority of their board and staff are people with disabilities, assisting others with disabilities. They provide information and referrals for housing, education, transportation, assistive technology, and benefits. They also offer Advocacy/Peer Support, Independent Living Skills Training, and help locating other community-based services.
(740) 380-1475
Provides free recorded books, magazines and playback equipment to eligible blind, visually impaired, print or reading disabled Ohio residents. Find program details and apply for TalkingBook services online.
(800) 686-1531 or (614) 644-6895
Provides no-cost eye safety wear to protect kids’ eyes during sports and other recreational activities. Sports leagues, schools, 4-H groups, and Girl Scouts troops may apply for baseball and softball helmets, sports goggles, and safety goggles for career-technical activities. Families who meet income guidelines or have a foster child may apply to receive free prescription sports goggles. Find eligibility details and apply online.
Ohio Ophthalmological Society: 4400 North High Street, Columbus, Ohio 43214
(614) 527-6799
Find phone plan features and services through T-Mobile for accessible communication. Services include ASL Video Customer Service, large print and braille billing statements, and a Directory Assistance Program.
Voice Call: (800) 676-3777
Español: (800) 676-4290
Speech-to-Speech: (877) 787-1989
TTY: (800) 676-3777
A free program for children with serious medical conditions and disabilities ages 5-16. Children are paired with sports teams at colleges and universities across the state of Ohio with the goal of creating meaningful, long-lasting relationships with student athletes. Kids experience positive social-emotional development and a sense of belonging through inclusion, support and team engagement. Go online to find a participating team near you and apply.
National Office: 500 Victory Road, Quincy, Massachusetts 02171
(317) 709-7658
Advocates for the rights of individuals with disabilities through legislative action, information and education, local chapter support and family involvement. Families can call for a Family Advocate to help navigate the disability system and answer questions on everything from waivers, to guardianship, transition services, county boards, the appeal process, and much more. They can help families get assistive equipment, and their website has lots of helpful information for individuals and families.
1335 Dublin Road, Columbus, Ohio 43215
(614) 487-4720
The Cancer Option Collaborative (COC) serves cancer patients who are actively in treatment. They provide emotional support and financial assistance for men, women, and children battling cancer. Call or go online to contact the organization and request support.
1347 Worthington Woods Boulevard, Columbus, Ohio 43085
(614) 212-4131
Provides grants for children with Cerebral Palsy to receive pediatric intensive therapies. Families may apply for financial assistance with the organization once per year, three times maximum per child. Children must be under the age of 18, have a diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy, and be under the care of a pediatrician to be considered. Go online to contact the family-owned non-profit organization and to complete the application for grant assistance.
102 West Main Street, New Albany, Ohio 43054
Provides care for children, adolescents, and adults with cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, spina bifida, spinal cord injury, and other neuromuscular disabilities at multiple locations through Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. Services include case management, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and early childhood integrated therapies. They also provide comprehensive assistive technology evaluations for all ages.
(513) 636-4601
3333 Burnet Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45229
5642 Hamilton Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45224
9560 Children’s Drive, Mason, Ohio 45040
Federally-funded career development program for Social Security disability beneficiaries ages 18 through 64 who want to work. Provides free employment services to help participants decide if working is right for them, prepare for work, find a job, or maintain success while working. Participants receive services such as career counseling, vocational rehabilitation, and job placement and training from authorized Ticket to Work service providers, such as Employment Networks (EN) or your State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) agency.
(866) 968-7842 or (866) 833-2967 TTY
Nonprofit working to raise awareness, advance research, and provide support to patients and families impacted by Tourette Syndrome and Tic Disorders. Find health information for kids, families, and professionals, toolkits on topics like bullying and transition to adult care, online events, and information on research and clinical trials. They also have online support groups for parents, teens, LGBTQ+, and Spanish-speaking community members.
42-40 Bell Boulevard, Bayside, New York 11361
(888) 486-8738
Provides information, resources and tools focused on helping the government implement the requirements of Section 508. The website has legal requirements and resources for designing accessible content like documents and presentations, buying accessible products and services, and training tools.
(202) 272-0080
Promotes independence and inclusion for people with cerebral palsy, intellectual, developmental, and other disabilities. Their website has tons of helpful Resources including a Guide to Homebuying for people with disabilities, disability etiquette, healthcare resources, and more. UCP of Greater Cleveland offers a Mobility Clinic for Assistive Technology assessment and equipment fitting. They also offer therapy and education services for children, and adult day services.
UCP National Office: 8401 Old Courthouse Road, Vienna, Virginia 22182
(800) 872-5827
UCP Greater Cleveland: 10011 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44106
(216) 791-8363
Provides medical grants for families to pay for healthcare services related to a major medical condition that are not covered by their family’s insurance plan. Children must be 16 years old or younger, be a U.S. citizen, and have coverage through a commercial health plan to qualify for a grant. Families must meet income eligibility requirements. Applications must be submitted on a computer, not phone or tablet. Visit the website for a full list of requirements and for application instructions.
(855) 698-4223
Adaptive fitness program for people with physical, neurological, and developmental challenges, and their caregivers, to achieve optimal health and fitness. Athletic trainers, gyms, and recreation centers can become certified in the program. They provide personal training and group fitness classes at their partner gyms in Central Ohio. Individuals can call or go online for an intake meeting where Valemee will get to know you and your goals, perform an assessment, and find a gym near you.
(614) 937-8309
Service for people who have a medical condition that prevents them from reading print. Volunteers read aloud from current local and national newspapers, magazines, various periodicals/journals, grocery/retail ads, and more. They use broadcasting and internet streaming to deliver readings in a 24-hour schedule. Listen live any time using the internet, or contact Voicecorps for help accessing their services on a digital TV, Amazon smart speaker, or free SCA radio loan.
2955 West Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43204
(614) 274-7650
Provides wheelchairs, home and vehicle modifications, and assistive equipment to families of children with physical disabilities. All services are offered at no cost to families that qualify.
(727) 946-0963
Hosts programs for all ages, including health and fitness, swimming, childcare, summer camps, juvenile justice, and housing services.
Locations & Contact Info: ymcacolumbus.org/locations
YMCA Columbus Main Website: ymcacolumbus.org