Search Results for: bullying
This advocacy group seeks to integrate the Latino/Hispanic community in the City of Columbus. They offer a monthly produce pantry, place referrals to community organizations for migrants, and host regular community events. Their focus includes cultural awareness and inclusivity, ending human trafficking, anti-bullying, and promoting recycling.
215 South Harris Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43204
(614) 500-2123
An app that allows parents to monitor their child’s texts, email, YouTube and 24+ social media platforms for signs of cyberbullying, suicidal thoughts, sexual predators, drug use and more. The app allows parents to manage screen time, block websites and apps, and track their child’s location. The app offers a free trial and starts at $14/month.
Offers school and community programming for girls on team building, healthy communication, dealing with girl drama/bullying, healthy relationships, navigating social media, body image, support systems, safety and violence prevention, stress and coping, academic and career development and leadership. Provides research-backed tools and support for caregivers and professional development for educators, youth-serving mentors, and mental health professionals. Call or visit the website to access resources.
1335 Dublin Road, Columbus, Ohio 43215
(614) 488-8080
Provides child safety education nationwide with their personal safety curriculum. They educate children ages 8-12 on personal safety, bullying, abuse, neglect, and assault through an age-appropriate, fun, activity-based curriculum. Their website has helpful information, printable tip sheets, and coloring pages for families on recognizing and resisting violence.
(844) 723-5437
Did you know that reading to your child, even at a young age, helps your child do better in school and handle stressful situations more easily? The Columbus Metropolitan Library has teamed up with CAP4Kids to create a series of wonderful book lists for families on a wide range of topics. These books are all available at your local CML Branch location. Click the links to view or print each list.
Offers a 24/7 confidential hotline for teens in crisis. Some teens call from the streets urgently seeking immediate help, and others call for advice about issues such as bullying, abuse, drugs, suicide, relationships and human trafficking.
Hotline: (800) 786-2929
A group of teachers and parents in Dublin City Schools who provide education designed to keep youth safe and healthy. Underage drinking, internet safety, bullying and eating disorders are some of the topics they focus on. Presentations are free and open to the general public. They also link families to summer youth programs focused on healthy communication, emotional development, and self-confidence.
5175 Emerald Parkway, Dublin, Ohio 43017
Promotes healthy development for children and adolescents, and supports professional psychiatrists. The website has Resource Centers with tons of helpful information for parents including fact sheets, parent medication guides, and booklists on topics including bullying, trauma, OCD, conduct disorder, substance use, and more. Professionals can find resources on career development, clinical practice guidelines, and advocacy.
Nonprofit working to raise awareness, advance research, and provide support to patients and families impacted by Tourette Syndrome and Tic Disorders. Find health information for kids, families, and professionals, toolkits on topics like bullying and transition to adult care, online events, and information on research and clinical trials. They also have online support groups for parents, teens, LGBTQ+, and Spanish-speaking community members.
42-40 Bell Boulevard, Bayside, New York 11361
(888) 486-8738
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